Recipe Weekend/ Pinterest Fail or no Fail : Peanut Butter Cake

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It's time for Round Two in Our Pinterest Fail or no Fail Meme, and yes, it's another peanut butter recipe. It's not a criteria or anything, just where our interest ran this month! LOL

peanut butter cake original

The cake is 'healthy' in that the original recipe calls for flaxseed, almond milk and PB2. 

Those are not items we have in our household on a normal basis. So we omitted the flaxeed, used soy milk (which has sorta of a almond flavor to it) and regular peanut butter.

I also could not find 2 of the same size round pans, so we opted for a 9x13 pan.

peanut butter cake ours

As you can see, our cake did not rise as much as the original. AND yes, the oven was preheated and I let it go over the stated time frame for 5 minutes! I wouldn't call it a cake, so much as a peanut butter brownie. Is it addictive? OH YEAH!

As to the frosting, I made it as she directed and was not impressed with the flavor.It might have been the soy milk. I ended up throwing a wood spoon's worth of peanut butter in and beating it fluffy again. Bingo. Instant improvement, and perfect for the cake. In fact, we're thinking of using the same recipe, with the peanut butter added, on an aple cake, come Fall! 

We all love the cake part as well, and instantly thought of other ways to use it-
as a basis for a brownie top, topped by chocolate ganache, skip the frosting and add mini chocolate chips, the gamut!

Fail or No Fail?

Even though our cake didn't come out like the picture, it was excellent tasting and we'd all eat it again, so it passes the test!

Run and check it out for yourselves and see!
Here's the recipe link!
