Giveaway Latitudes: A Story of Coming Home ebook by Anthony Caplan

I hope you read Anthony's Guest Post yesterday! 
We are pleased to offer a giveaway of his latest YA book for a lucky BTHM reader!

latitudes cover
Synopsis: A story of one boy overcoming dysfuntion, dislocation and distance…

When Father and Mother, a highflying young American lawyer and his party-hard bride, fall prey to the self-destructive lure of alcohol and sexual liberation, Will and his sisters pay the price in divorce and kidnappings that take them back and forth between the rain forest hideaways of coastal Latin America and the placid suburbs of Long Island. Will identifies with the oppressed workers laboring in his father’s fast food restaurant and longs for American freedom. Father remarries the daughter of a local aristocrat, and Will is sent off to the hothouse world of a New England boarding school.
Swimming in a sea of Fair Isle sweaters and LL Bean boots, Will discovers a core of resilience in himself that allows him to survive, thrive, and ultimately embrace the flawed and varied worlds he inhabits. Will reconnects with his Mother, sinking into a New York City world of Irish bars and one night stands he cannot save her from. With a little help from friends, and a high school Shakespeare class taught by the school’s closeted gay athletic trainer, Will begins to see the possibility of finding his true path. Latitudes charts the birth pangs of a quest for self and soul — from a tropical childhood to a coming of age on the road.

About the AuthorAnthony Caplan is an independent writer, teacher and homesteader in northern New England. He has worked at various times as a shrimp fisherman, environmental activist, journalist, taxi-driver, builder, window-washer, and telemarketer. Currently, Caplan is working on restoring a 150 year old farmstead where he and his family tend sheep and chickens, grow most of their own vegetables, and have started a small apple orchard from scratch. Read more on the author's website.

We are pleased to be able to offer an ebook giveaway of Latitudes to a lucky BTHM reader!

Book Tour Schedule:

September 4
Guest Posting at WV Stitcher

September 5
Guest Posting at Writing Daze

September 6
Guest Posting at Hollywood Daze

September 7
Guest Posting at The Book Bog-Hogan

September 13
Book Spotlighted at Bluebell Books

September 14
Guest Posting at Maureen’s Musings

September 17
Guest Posting at Strands of Thought

September 18
Guest Posting at Splashes of Joy

September 20
Book Reviewed at Books, Books and More Books

Book Reviewed at Books and Movies Reviews

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I was offered this book for giveaway purposes, on this blog, free of charge, from Pump Up Your Book ! No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. 
