Pinterest Fail or No Fail: Teacher's First Day of School Survival Kits

pinterest fail or no fail button

With our Pininterest, Fail or No Fail meme, we've been working on recipes so far, but today I wanted to share a great Teacher Appreciation  for the First Day of School idea, that we did, pursuant to finding it on Pinterest, as some of you will be starting school for the first day on Tuesday!

Here's the original pin, from Bee in our Bonnet:

pinterest teachers 1st day survival kit

Problems presented themselves almost immediately: 
  • we could NOT find the small floss boxes. AT all. Multiple craft stores and box stores- NO one is carrying them locally anymore. ARGHHH, so we had to go to the ones we COULD find. You'll notice below, they only had blue....oh well, blue and gold are the school colors....
  • we could only find the smaller polka dotted ribbon at all of the above same stores. Yes we were feeling the 'this might Not happen blues'
  • made the cover sheet on my scrapbook program and it did NOT want to print to the new wi-fi printer AS the size it was. It kept shrinking them...
  • because we couldn't find the floss boxes, the bottles of sanitizers we had already bought were too tall for the compartments in the boxes we had...

So we improvised and here's how our's turned out:

BTHM teachers 1st day survival kit 1

  • I changed the candy to chocolate Hershey Kisses and York Peppermint Patties, as we figured Kindergarten teachers were gonna NEED chocolate, dealing with 20 kids who were getting into a routine TOTALLY different from their preschool ones. Kiddo also wanted some of her favorite soft peppermints added (I think so she and Papa could finish off the bag...)
  • I added pink lemonade and raspberry tea mixes for water
  • Post notes and pen, plus we cut out some flower shapes and added paper clips in the 3 school colors

and when closed:

BTHM teachers 1st day survival kit 2

We skipped the apple print out tags and used ones we found at the craft store on clearance. They say 'For YOU, From ME', Kiddo signed the back, and then we took a small apple punch and punched out 3 apples on the bottom border.

The teacher and her aide loved them and they were the talk of the teacher's lounge that day after school!

So we'll mark this one a big NO FAIL!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awe - this was a cute idea - glad it turned out a success!

  2. Very nice! I know these were well appreciated!~

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. I love this series! I think you should do a monthly linky with it so others can share their FAIL and NO FAIL pinterest trials! :-)

    1. What a GREAT idea! Hmmm....maybe with the next one! Stay tuned!

  4. What a neat idea for teachers! Although yours was slightly different than the original, it still turned out wonderfully.


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