Wow, Really? This is OK??????

Soap box

I was surprised, and happy to hear, that Victoria's Secret had pulled a really tacky, and offensive, 'lingerie' set, after an Bay Area blogger had felt affronted and spoke out, and women were agreeing with her. This was NOT a Halloween costume, but a normal featured line for them. I was thinking, WOW, they listened to an argument that was adult, responsible and thought out, and in turn acted the same.

Having been on the front lines supporting doing away with Native American imagery that is racist and not 'honorific', I felt like we, as a populus, had come a LONG way. And then I saw this :


Is the Victoria's Secret 'Geisha' lingerie racist?
  • Yes, it deserved to be pulled.
  • No, people are too sensitive.

Wow. Really? 

With all the political correctness/racism issues of the current presidential election (and the past 4 years, if we're all honest), almost 200,000 people think this is OK? 

Is it because it's Asian? If it had been Native American (with feather headdress and moccasins) or Indian (with head jewel and sandals) would that have been ok? 

Had it been an African American line complete with afro wig and platforms, would it have been ok? 

Would Victoria's Secret have even produced any of those lines? So WHY is a tacky Asian line ok?

It just confounds the imagination at was is 'ok' and what is not. 

How can we teach our kids to treat everyone EQUALLY, when obvious the populus as a whole doesn't buy into that, judging by the poll numbers?

What do you say to YOUR kids, especially your teenage daughters, knowing that the blogger stood up to the corporation, won and then was denounced?
