Product Review and Giveaway: Stompeez

christmas idea moose

Cabbage Patch kids, Pillow Pets, you know there is gonna be one toy or item that kids just HAVE to have during the Christmas season, right?

Well last year the Stompeez kids slippers came out and were quickly sold out. But this year, the company got ahead of the game, and has plenty of stock available! And the kids still want these fun slippers that STOMP when you walk in them and open their eyes and mouths (activated when the heel is pressed down)!

Kiddo has been bugging me for a pair, so when we were offered a pair to review, I knew it was time for the Stompeez Unusual Unicorns to come to our house! 

stompeez unusla unicorns

Aren't they cute? AND Pink! And Purple! 

To a 5 year old that pretty much seals them as THE best thing!

Course Kiddo hasn't gotten to see them yet. Her 'friend' Bear decided that they were cool too and confiscated them after Mom opened the box. You gotta watch out for sneaky bears (and Moms who decide that they might just be THE thing for an Advent present, if somebody is really good ....)...

Stompeez aren't just for girls- they have some great selections for boys too! They have 8  to choose from (Puppy comes in pink and blue colors), check them out:
stompeez selections

I love that there are no parts to break down- no batteries or bulbs to mess with! AND they can be washed. WHEW. Talk about making Mom's life easier!

Be sure to check out the Stompeez sizing chart, when you go to order a pair, as the slippers are not your normal sizing! They do have a 60 day guarantee, but once your child seems them, they won't want to let them go to send them back to get the right size!

Stompeexz has not one, but TWO specials for BTHM readers (and they don't expire until after Dec 31, 2012, in case you need a quick after Christmas purchase!):
  1. Get $5.00 off your order by entering promo code SLIPPER at check out \
  2.  Customers who order two or more pairs at enjoy free same-location shipping on the additional pairs (after S&H paid for 1st two pairs).
AND they are giving one Lucky BTHM reader, their own pair of Stompeez!

This is going to be a QUICK giveaway, so that the company can get the winner's pair of Stompeez to them in time for Christmas

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I was offered these slippers, free of charge,from Fizz Brands, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to review them.


  1. I'd want the Perky Puppy in size small for my daughter.

  2. I'd like the Peek a Boo Kitty in size small for my daughter.

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  3. I'd pick Sir-One-Eyed Monster in size small for my son.

  4. I'd pick Growlin' Dragon, size medium for my grandson
    Sandy VanHoey

  5. Growlin Dragon in size medium for my son

  6. bee bop bunny in medium debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  7. Size 11 (small toddler) Growlin Dragon for my son

  8. All Blue Puppy, size small

  9. Growlin Dragon for my grandson. Size small. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. perky puppy - size Large - teen + daughter

  11. I like the All Blue Puppy in size Medium!

  12. we would get the unusual unicorn.

  13. I'd like Sir One Eyed Monster in medium. We're collecting PJs and slippers for foster kids this January, so this would be for them.

  14. I would love the Growlin Dragon for my son in size small

    (d schmidt in rafflecopter)

  15. love the playful puppy

  16. my daughter would love the unusual unicorn size small

  17. The pink puppy for my niece in size M

  18. all blue puppy in a size medium! thanks!

  19. Growlin' Dragon size Large for my daughter!

  20. I'd like Perky Puppy in size large for my step-daughter. Thanks.


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