How to Clutz Out in Your 40s.....

A. Loose weight, but keep wearing same yoga pants because they are comfortable and you aren't in smaller ones (that you already have) yet.

B. don't hem said pants even though they are falling off your butt because the waist is 4 inches too big

C, Go running upstairs and step on said cuff of pants.

D. Try to take a nosedive into the stair step

E. Be smart and put your hand out to keep from slamming your face into said step

F. Realize you just screwed up and may have broken your hand.....

G. Admit you are a freakin CLUTZ........

H. Have ER doctor say its a really bad sprain ("you did a doozy"), and there may be a hairline fracture, just be splinted for 4 days and if pain doesn't go away come back for more X-rays ... SIGH. One of those weeks. .......


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