New Year Giveaway: Stepahnie Wilder-Taylor Hilarious Parenting books

On Thursday, I offered you a great giveaway for a double baby book set, to help ring in the new year baby 2013!

Today I have another gift set of 'baby' books for baby 2013, but these are aimed at moms who can laugh at themselves, their situations, or just plain want to! Both by one of my favorite writers, Stephanie Wilder- Taylor!

Sippy Cups are NOT For Chardonnay:: And Other Things I Had to Learn as a New Mom

Synopsis: The moment the second line on the pee stick turns pink, women discover they've entered a world of parenting experts.

Friends, family, colleagues, the UPS delivery guy -- suddenly everybody is a trove of advice, much of it contradictory and confusing. With dire warnings of what will happen if baby is fed on demand and even direr warnings of what will happen if he isn't, not to mention hordes of militant "lactivists," cosleeping advocates, and books on what to worry about next, modern parenthood can seem like a minefield.

When Los Angeles comedian and television writer and producer Wilder-Taylor got pregnant, she feared undergoing this process: "a perfectly sane woman who swigs Jack Daniel's, never goes to sleep before eight a.m., and has had at least one STD gives birth and suddenly becomes a different person... [who] subscribes to three dozen parenting magazines, thinks a wild night is tossing back two O'Doul's, and never hits the hay after eight p.m." Of course, now that the author has a daughter, she's smitten; the child "grew on me every day, and by six months I was definitely her bitch."

In busy Mom-friendly short essays, based on her prominent blog "Baby on Bored" that has been entertaining thousands of mothers since 2005, she gives us the straight dirt on parenting, tackling everything from Mommy & Me classes ("Your baby doesn't need to be making friends at three months old -- you do! But not with people you'll meet at Mommy & Me") to attachment parenting ("If you're holding your baby 24/7, that's not a baby, that's a tumor"). 

You may find yourself with tears running down your face from laughing SO hard at her wicked humor and satirical  honesty, this is the set of books you give your best friend and sister, for an HONEST and realistic look at parenting!

and the follow up book:

Naptime Is the New Happy Hour: And Other Ways Toddlers Turn Your Life Upside Down 

Synopsis: Motherhood -- it's not for wimps.

Once the zigzagging hormones and endless, bleary-eyed exhaustion of the first year have worn off, you're left with the startling realization that your tiny, immobile bundle has become a rampaging toddler, complete with his or her very own, very forceful personality. Stephanie is still a  voice of reason for every woman facing questions such as: Will refined sugar make my toddler's head explode? Is it wrong to have a cocktail at two in the afternoon? And what exactly is a Backyardigan?

With biting wit and boatloads of common sense, Stefanie Wilder-Taylor addresses all these concerns and more. Whether it's planning easy outings that are fun for both of you (fact: your child will find the local Target just as scintillating as the Guggenheim), dishing the dirt on preschool TV (those mothers who swear their kids don't watch television? Liars or psychos, every one), or perfecting the art of the play date, readers will find advice, anecdotes, and a reassuring sense of camaraderie to help them survive -- and even thrive -- during each hilarious, frustrating, and amazing moment.

Both of these books got me through Kiddos first two years and I hope they do the same for you, or someone you love!

About the Author: Stefanie Wilder-Taylor is the author of Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay and Naptime Is the New Happy Hour. She has written and produced more than thirty television sketch, clip, and variety shows, and been featured on Today, Oprah, Dr. Phil, Larry King Live, The Dr. Oz Show, and the award-winning PBS show Real Savvy Moms. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and three young daughters. Visit her website at

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Disclosure / Disclaimer: I donated these books, from my personal collection, for giveaway purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to review them.
