Product Review and Giveaway: Personalized Biorhythms

Well it's a new year, and a new month, so it only makes sense that we try something 'new'.

Which is actually old, but new to us!

because i tried it logo

Because I Tried It ( who offer Personalized Gifts for Anyone, Anytimeoffered us a chance to try their personalized biorhythm charts, and to offer two lucky readers one as well!

Basically Biorhythm is an attempt to predict various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles. Most biorhythm models use three cycles: a 23-day "physical" cycle, a 28-day "emotional" cycle, and a 33-day "intellectual" cycle. Theese 23- and 28-day rhythms were first devised in the late 19th century by Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin physician and patient of Sigmund Freud! Who knew they were THAT old??? Fliess believed that he observed regularities at 23- and 28-day intervals in a number of phenomena, including births and deaths. (aha! Thanks WIkipedia for that info!)

"Bio" means life and "rhythm" means flowing with a regular movement. Biorhythmists believe we all have three internal energies interacting with each other in a continuously changing pattern on a daily basis- biorhythms. They are the three cycles of energy that govern the physical, emotional, and intellectual aspects of our lives: Our physical sensations, our emotions, and our ability to reason. Each of these parts has its own ups and downs. 

because i tried it sample chart

Because I Tried It sends you an email with a PDF of your personalized chart, very quickly after you order it (mine was received within 48 hours, which is their goal). All you have to do is answer a few simple questions- your name and date of birth, and they can determine your cycle from there, using the biorhythm calculations. So it can be done very quickly.

As you can see from the chart above, it is color coded, so you know which of the energy rhythms belongs to which line. Then each one has a descriptive paragraph to explain what tasks/energies should be dealt with on 'high' days, and avoided on 'low days'.

It really was no surprise to me that my physical and emotional cycles were pretty much attuned to each other for the month, as if I get emotionally stressed, I tend to get ill. And starting a new diet regiment doesn't usually put one on an emotional 'high', as your body tends to think deprivation! LOL I also had seemed to be having problems being creative, more tuned to intellectual pursuits this first week, so that also corresponded with my chart.  Personally I think biorhythm charts are like horoscopes- they can't hurt, they can be pretty freakily right sometimes, and sometimes they may be wrong. No harm, no foul for the most part, and if they ARE right, then better forewarned than sorry, right?

So if you are looking for a last minute, personalized gift, think about a Personalized Biorhythm chart, for that hard to buy for person! And lucky you, TWO BTHM readers will get to try a personalized Biorhythm themselves!

Ready to enter?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I was sent this product, free of charge, from because I Tried It's blogger review program, for review  and giveaway purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to review them.
