Music Monday Giveaway: Fall Into Me by Katie Armiger

Kiddo loves certain country songs- she declared them 'pretty' songs, and I am happy that most of these she likes involve being a strong person, a survivor, or fulfilling your dreams.

No 'life done me wrong' songs for my girl!

fall into me cover 1

So when we recently were given a promo cd of Katie Armiger's Fall Into Me, I knew she would be tell me it had pretty music on it, even if the content was over her head!

Did you know it's Number 32 on the Country album charts this week? Yup!

Check out Katie doing "Okay Alone" live:

Yup, the girl can sing!

Tracks on the cd include:
  1.  "He's Gonna Change"  
  2.  "Man I Thought You Were" 
  3.  "Playin' With Fire" 
  4.  "Better In a Black Dress"
  5.  "Okay Alone"
  6.  "Black and White" 
  7.  "I'm Free" 
  8. "Merry Go Round" 
  9. "Baby You're Everything"  
  10. "Cardboard Boxes" 
  11. "Stealing Hearts" 
  12. "Not Too Late" 
  13. "So Long" 
  14. "Safe"
And lucky you, I knew one of you would love to win it, so we're given away the cd!

fall into me cover 2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I donated this item for blog giveaway purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to review it.
