Recipe Weekend- Pinterest Fail or No fail: Brownie in a Cup

pinterest fail or no fail button

You know how sometimes you just HAVE to have chocolate?

Prefably something warm and gooey?

How about a one minute solution to the problem?

brownie in a cup pinterest

Oooooooooo- I had you with the 'food porn' photo above from Pinterest, didn't I?

I look at it this way- even if you are dieting, sometimes you just need a bit of splurge, even if you know it's bad, as long as you promise to work it off or compensate the calories elsewhere (like have a salad instead of the pasta for dinner).

And sometimes there is no rest for the craving, no matter how much water or fruit you eat, you just gotta have chocolate! If you still with better ingredients, then the calorie count will also be less too!

This is labelled a One Minute Brown in a Cup, and is from Souschef Secrets (be sure to check her blog for some great short cut recipes)

So here's you go:


1/4 cup gluten-free oat flour, quinoa flour, or all purpose flour (if you don't need to be gluten free)
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
Pinch salt (I used sea salt)
2 Tbsp canola or other mild vegetable oil
2 Tbsp milk, coffee or water (
As a coffee lover, I figured I'd use left over coffee in the caraf, and be 'responsible' too, as coffee is so expensive anymore-plus it enhances the flavor!)

1. In a heatproof mug or ramekin, stir together the dry ingredients until no lumps remain.

2. Stir in the oil, and milk/coffee/water, and mix until you have a thick paste.(seriously thick- give it about 15 seconds)

3. Microwave on high for 1 minute, checking it after 30 seconds (microwaves vary) — it will be done when it’s springy on top but still a bit gooey. My microwave was finished at 48 seconds.

** Use caution it will be very hot and molten like in the center **

Note: If you want to rachet up the flavor, when you pull it out of the microwave, you can place some chocolate chips or peanut butter chips on top and give them 10 seconds or so to start melting. OR you can take a tablespoon of Nutella and add on top for 'frosting', or stir it into the center for extra yumminess.

And how did my version look?

brownie in cup 2 brownie in cup 3

And taste is beyond yummy! 

In fact, My craving was MORE than satisfied after only eating half, so you could definitely share this one!

And the best part is you probably have all the ingredients in your pantry and any given time!

This one is definitely a NO FAIL!!!!!!!!

So head on over and make it for your family, or for you alone!


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