How Long Can Your Brain Live Without Oxygen?

Can you answer that question?

If you've taken a CPR course lately, you probably can!

The answer is 4-6 minutes. Now here is the SCARY part- the average response time, nationwide, for emergency medical assistance is 10-13 minutes.

Let that sink in for  a second, while your oxigenated brain does the math.

Yup- that is 4-7 minutes LONGER than the brain has oxygen. Think you need to take the CPR class yet?

4  minute lady

What if it is your kid that falls off their bike or ATV, or your husband or mother, lying on the floor, not breathing?

I know exactly what you are going to say- but I don't have the TIME to take a class. But you have the time to be reading this post and to be on the computer, right?

Well I have come across a great solution to your problem!

How about an on-line CPR class? That's right, you can learn at HOME!

cpr online ad
It is SO simple-

The classes are made and tested by medical professionals, so you know you are getting accurate and needed information. Videos provide the same instruction you would have in a regular class setting. yes you have to pay attention and LEARN, and take a final exam, BUT you can do it in your pajamas, in a comfortable chair, and not have to pay money for gas to attend the class. Your certificate will be emailed/mailed to you, and you can know that not only can you save lives, you've added to your resume!

If your child is looking at babysitting,  working as a lifeguard, working as a camp counselor, or in any other way with kids or the elderly this Summer, you might want to think about getting them a CPR class certificate as well! I know I had a certificate kept current during my high school years, and it was a big plus for the parents hiring me!>

If you want to upgrade your training, then taking a Basic Life Support Class (known as BLS) certificate as is a great ideal. The training includes CPR, choking, work related injuries like electrocution and falls, severe bleeding, and even respiratory duress, like allergy reactions. All issues that might come up in their jobs! Plus, having the certificate BEFORE they apply for the Summer job, will definitely give them a leg up on the competition, and make them more hirable! And if they are babysitting, possibly to charge more! AND certain professions also require this training annually for preschool workers, firemen, law enforcement, nurses etc.

And the good news is is can be done online as well! WHEW, talk about a time saver!

Still questioning whether or not to take a CPR or BLS class?

Think about these 10 reasons:

1. According to the American Heart Association, 80% of cardiac arrests occur at home. Think back to the start of this post. YOU could be there only means of survival!
2. Due to fear of infectious disease, most people will NOT perform CPR anymore. YOU may be the only person who can save the life of your loved one,
3. If CPR is performed within the first 4 MINUTES of a heart attack, the victim is twice as likely to SURVIVE.
4. Roughly one fourth of heart attack victims could have survived if someone HAD started CPR on them.
5. CPR training teaches you to know the early signs of a possible cardiac episode, so you can get help on scene, before CPR is needed. Remember that 1 minute response time?
6. When you know CPR and what to do, you will be LESS likely to panic, and will respond better in case of an emergency.
7. Each year 3500 people in the US die from choking. CPR classes teach you how to help and get the person breathing again.
8. CPR if much different for a baby and a grown adult, if you don't know the difference, you can cause more problems, than help with a young infant,
9  CPR classes teach you how to use a defibrillator, which are now available at many business and locations. By using the external AEDs as they are known, more time can be bought for the victim.
10. Over 1500 children drown in swimming pools each year in the US. Quick response and use of CPR can save drowning victims.

Summer is coming before you know it. DO you know what to do in an emergency?

AND if you are in certain professions, you may be required to have Advanced Cardiovascular Life Saving class (known as ACLS) updated bi-annually as well. Live in a rural setting? Have no time to take class during 'normal' work hours? Guess what, they have online classes for that too! Now it also requires a written test, but at least you can take it at home while watching the kids, no need to pay for babysitting! Whew!

So do you think a couple weeks of sitting at the computer is worth saving a life or two, especially of a loved one?

Disclosure: Thanks to for providing me with this great info, so that I can offer you, my lovely readers, some great health info! This is a sponsored post, and I was compensated for providing the info. I was not told what to say and opinions are my own. As with any medical advice- consult with YOUR doctor before proceeding with use, our experiences are just that, ours. Yours may be different.



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