We Hatched a DUCK!

A duck?

You just said "What? A REAL duck?", didn't you?

Well that was pretty much MY reaction when Miss Grace called me at work this past week, screaming "MOM, my egg hatched- I have a DUCK!".

You see, Miss Grace and Papa love a little store with the initials T.S. that happens to have REAL chickens and ducks for sale right now! So you can understand my initial concern! LOL

But THEN I remembered, we had put a Hide 'em & Hatch 'em egg, in a cup of water the night before. She had been SO disappointed that it had not hatched before she went to school, but when she came home the shell was all cracked and she was able to 'help' her baby duck to emerge from her egg!

To say it was love at first sight is an understatement- just look at that grin:

grace and hatch em duck

She even drew up a plan for a house for her duck:

grace and hatch em duck 2

And yes, they have been inseperable!
Kiddo even told her she could help her work on her birdhouse!

Hide 'em and Hatch Eggs are THE perfect item for your child's Easter basket this year! Not only do they get the anticipation factor, they help to illustrate the resurrection story itself! A 2 for 1 special!

hiide em and hatch em eggs

AND they are SO simple to use:
1.  Place the eggs in ROOM TEMPERATURE water (this is critical to the grow process!)  Make sure the eggs are completely submerged.We found that if you put the egg in a small coffee cup it worked best- but make sure to hold the egg down for about 40 seconds until enough water gets IN the egg that it sinks and stays covered up with water.
2.  In 6 - 12 hours you will see small cracks in the shell.  At this point you can help your little friend out by cracking the shell (just like a mamma might need to do for her hatchling) or you can change the water and let it continue to grow. Ours actually took a little longer- was more like 14 hours before we had enough cracks to get it open.
3.  You will notice the water (and the baby) will be slippery.  This is the material that allows it to grow - it is necessary to change the water so your new friend can grow completely (it can grow up to 10x its size with or without your help).
4.  Continue to change the water daily until your animal hatches on its own or until the animal is done growing. Slippery is an understatement- think egg yolk time ooey gooey. Realistic, but have some handwipes and papertowels handy!
5.  Enjoy your new friend - Once removed from the water shrinkage will probably occur but the animal will harden and is fun to play with!

These really DO work- you just ave to FOLLOW the instructions! But seeing this type of look on your child's face, is well worth it:
grace and hatch em duck

You can purchase the eggs through Amazon, so you can get them delivered right to your door- no fuss, no muss, in time for Easter too!  You get 3 eggs in the pack- chicken, duck and bunny, so you can divide them up and put in multiple baskets too!

Our duck will be getting some friends from Miss Grace's Easter basket to play with! I had to hold them back after I saw the JOY on her face.

ebd button

Thanks for checking out the first post in our Easter Basket Delights meme! We'll be having many more in the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned for them, if you want some new ideas for the kids' Easter baskets fillings!

 Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from SCS Direct PR, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about them.



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