Welcome to the Perfect Edge Trifecta's Final Week!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this info, free of charge, from Novel Publicity, for posting purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post.

perfect edge trifecta banner Welcome to the last week of the Perfect Edge Book Trifect Book Blast!

We won't be reviewing this week, but I wanted to share with you the remaining gvieaway and links to the participating blogger's posts! 

About the Book - About the Author - Prizes!!!

Welcome to Novel Publicity's first ever publishing house blog tour. Join us as three new titles from Perfect Edge--we're calling them the Perfect Edge Trifecta--tour the blogosphere in a way that just can't be ignored. And, hey, we've got prizes!

About the book: Manchester in 1991 is a town suffering under the weight of high unemployment and massive government budgetary deficits that is plunging the UK into a recession. To Daniel Crabtree, a struggling writer, it is the backcloth to his first novel, one that will see him become a famous published author. Living off mostly water and flour, Daniel has embraced penury into his life under the mistaken belief that many young artists have: one needs to suffer for success in art. But Daniel is a terrible writer. In the three years since signing on the dole, of every morning chastising his Irish singing neighbour for waking him from his sleep, and scrounging food from his close friend Henry Soperton, Daniel Crabtree has produced one short story. His heart is bereft of words as much as his pockets are of money. The Sound of Loneliness is a story of love, and how a poor starving man chasing a dream came to the understanding that amidst the clamour of life, the sound of loneliness is the most deafening of all. Pick up your copy of this Literary/ Urban Life/ Black Comedy through Amazon US</ a>, Amazon UK, or Barnes & Noble.

About the author: Craig Wallwork lives in West Yorkshire, England. He is an artist, filmmaker and
Craig Wallwork
writer. His short stories have appeared in many publications in the US and the UK. He is the author of the short story collection Quintessence of Dust, and the novels To Die Upon a Kiss and The Sound of Loneliness. Craig is also the fiction editor at Menacing Hedge Magazine. Connect with Craig on his website, Facebook, GoodReads, or Twitter.

About the prizes: Who doesn't love prizes? You could win either of two $25 Amazon gift cards, an autographed copy of The Sound of Loneliness, or an autographed copy of one of its tour mates, Stranger Will by Caleb J Ross or Angel Falls by Michael Paul Gonzalez. Here's what you need to do...
  1. Enter the Rafflecopter contest
  2. Leave a comment on any of the blogs on the review stops- see the list below.
That's it! One random commenter during this tour will win a $25 gift card. Visit more blogs for more chances to win--the full list of participating bloggers can be found here. The other $25 gift card and the 3 autographed books will be given out via Rafflecopter. You can find the contest entry form linked below or on the official Perfect Edge Trifecta tour page via Novel Publicity. Good luck! Perfect Edge Books was founded in late 2011 to unite authors whose books weren't "obviously" commercial. Our books tend to sit in various genres all at once: literary fiction, satire, neo-noir, sci-fi, experimental prose. We believe that literary doesn't have to mean difficult, and that difficult doesn't just mean pointless. We prefer to cultivate a word- of-mouth approach to marketing, and keep production as simple as we can. Learn more at www.PerfectEdgeBooks.com.

Learn more about The Sound of Loneliness's tour mates HERE.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for reading this post and entering the giveaway!
