How We Spent Our Morning.....

aka, NOT again!

Miss Grace had what we all thought were bug bites- either mosquito or ant, on her knee and elbow and we figures she had gotten them while playing outside, so she got doctored up with Benadryl and Neosporin (for the ones she scratched open overnight), and sent off to school this am.

Half an hour later we were back enroute to school to pick her up, as she had spiked a 100 degree (and climbing) fever and broken out in a rash everywhere.

Called the pediatrician who advised with the sudden rash and fever,  it could be a reaction and to take her to the ER.

This is what her arm looked like AFTER another dose of Benadryl:

 Coxsackie A 1
And what her face starting looking like after the fever went up again:

Coxsackie #2

You can see the puffiness, red eyes, and rash on the right side of her face. Once that started we all had a possibility in mind for what was wrong, but still had to suffer through an entire blood panel to rule out mono and strep, among other things.

Blood work confirmed- Coxsackie A Virus, aka Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.

WHICH is not as bad as it sounds. It's a bacterial viral infection that results in blisters, rash and swollen eye lids, and can last for 7-10 days. Typically the child looks like they have been slapped in the face, besides having the blisters on foot and hands. Oh and by the time the fever and rash breaks out? You've already been contagious for 3-4 days. Peachy huh?

This is actually our second go around- she got it 2 years ago, but had the classic red face symptom RIGHT away, so the doctor quickly knew what was wrong. This time, because the blisters were very small, and mimicked insect bites with allergy reaction, they didn't know what they were,



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