Something Different for Mom: Nepalese Prayer Ribbons

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this info, free of charge,from the the Simple Truth Project for blog posting purposes. No additional compensation,  monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I what to say, all opinions are my own, and yours may be different.

Nepalese Prayer Ribbons

What are Nepalese Prayer Ribbons?

I know you're asking!

This year, you can do more than just buy a commercial gift for Mom for Mother's Day.

Help the moms who need it most. These Nepali Prayer Ribbons are the perfect Mother’s Day gift.  Each is torn by hand from old silk saris by the women of Nepal.  Adorned with a silver meditating cairn, similar to the one in the Simple Truth logo:

In addition a portion of every sale goes back to the women and girls of Nepal through the London based  Asha Nepal charity. These ribbons come in six soulful colors like Beach Bonfire Orange, Poppy Red, Bright Fuchsia, Light Charcoal, Vintage Aqua and a special Blue, Singing the Blues.

Each ribbon is designed to be tied around your wrist or the wrist of someone you love.  It can be tied to a tree branch or the door of a home to wrap whatever you want in your love and compassion through the knot that you tie.

These are fair trade items that help the women who up-cycle this unique and beautiful fabric. Some unique fraying and imperfections are a part of the fabric and process, and are integral to its beauty.  Every imperfection is the mark of the human process that make these ribbons perfectly imperfect and unique in their own way. And as the Amish say, only God is perfect, human made items should not be so.

Give them to your mother, or the mother of someone you care about.

By picking up one, you are providing income, as well as basic needs like food, health care, shelter and education for their children through the Asha Nepal charity that is transforming girl’s lives every day.

The ribbons come in a set of three. So buy a set and share them! How about one for each woman/girl in your family?

Nepalese Prayer Ribbons can only be found online for $24.95 for a set of three on the Simple Truth website. They also have different wrap bracelets, both leather and beaded, if your mo would prefer them!

SO give them a thought and support other women and mothers, while celebrating yours!


  1. Love these!!! Please send the hint to my kids :) Thanks for sharing it.


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