A.C.T.S.- Remember the Ultimate Call to Serve This Week!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this info, free of charge, from Tyndale Publishing, for blog posting purposes on this blog. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about the program.

adventures in odyssesy acts logo 
This summer, Adventures in Odyssey is calling kids across the country to serve their families, their communities, and their world, via their program  A.C.T.S.!—A Call To Serve. Your kids can join thousands of kids across the country making a commitment to serve your family, your community and even the world!

This is the perfect opportunity for when the kids say "I'm Bored" to plan a way for them to serve their community!
i'm bored button

This week's call to service is  Serve as a Family

It is also the anniversary of our country's founding, and when we honor Veteran's during parades and 4th if July activities.

How about ways to serve veterans this week?

We'll be in our local 4th of July parade this week, and I'll be sharing with you about veterans groups
that are making a difference and making sure history doesn't forget our valiant veterans!

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