Pamela's Sugar Cookies Helped Make our National Sugar Cookie Day Easy Peasy! (product review)

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, via the Amazon Vine Program, for review purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it 

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Did you know that today is National Sugar Cookie Day?

It is all about unleashing your inner child and celebrating the simple sugary-goodness of this traditional treat!

In the 1700s a group of German settlers arrived in Pennsylvania, and by combining sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla and baking soda, and they they created a simple yet delicious food, now known as the Sugar Cookie. Of course, the original recipe never fails to please, but these days it’s easy to give it a modern twist – adding sprinkles, chocolate chips and frosting is the easiest way to jazz it up. Sugar cookies are a great way to keep the kids entertained too; just give them the dough, cookie cutters, an assortment of toppings, and let their imaginations run wild!

pamelas sugar cookie mix

We were able to test the new Pam's Sugar Cookie Mix! The mix is Gluten free, wheat free, and contains no-dairy! All you do is add butter (a LOT of butter!)  and an egg (which was a good thing, as I had forgotten to run to the store, and we only had 2 eggs left! As you can see, Miss Grace was doing ALL the mixing and having a blast after having made her own ice cream earlier!


You can take the mix and use it for flat sugar cookies, or chill and make roll cookies, or cut out shapes. We were in a hurry, so we went to plan A.5!

Which means we chilled the dough for 20 minutes, then couldn't wait and went for the spreading cookies concept! After Miss Grace finished licking the spatula, whisk AND bowl- yes, the batter is just THAT scrumptious, we got the in the oven!

The result was 12 LARGE cookies- the bag will make 30 normal size ones.

finished sugar cookies

And taste?

"YUMMY for my tummy", said Miss Grace!

Which is a good thing, as they are being saved (well, minus 3, for a certain picnic on Wednesday
featuring that silly old bear, we all love and adore!

For being gluten free, the mix really tastes pretty close to regular sugar cookies! We were all impressed and would definitely buy the mix again- it's great to have on hand for last minute need for cookies, or for keeping the kids occupied for an hour, when the "I'm boreds" strike this Summer!

SO are YOU making sugar cookies today????
