Purex Dryer Sheets Will Leave Your Laundry Fresh and Without Cling!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from Purex, via the Purex Insiders Program, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.


As you know I LOVE  Purex, so it should come as NO surprise that I love Purex dryer sheets as well!

purex dryer sheets

Purex Dryer Sheets have a new improved formula with 3x the fragrance! 
Who knew that one little sheet could do so much? 
Purex Fabric Softener Sheets don’t just reduce static cling and leave your family’s laundry soft and smelling fresh: They can also keep your whole house smelling fresh! Just choose your favorite fragrance and tuck a sheet in hampers, in the linen closets, and any other laundry storage areas.
The sheets are available in Mountain Breeze and Sweet Lavender

And as an added bonus, they reduce static cling, repel pet hair and repel lint. 

I was sent a box of Sweet Lavender Sheets to review, which was great as Miss Grace and I like the scent of lavendar on our clothes, and I usually us it for fabric softener. Her dad has multiple cats and I found that when she came home from her last visit, the clothes that had been dryed with the new Purex dryer sheets had practically NO cat hair on them! WOW! I was impressed!

And while it isn't recommended, I did use the sheets twice and still got a good scent and repel on the second load of clothes I used them on, just not as good as the first. So I decided one use, and then use the sheets for household uses. 

We love the smell of lavender, so I placed a couple of the sheets in Miss Grace's closet, and within a couple of hours, all the clothes had a light lavender scent to them already! As about a third of her clothes can't go in the dryer (liek the fancy dresses), this was great! Once I realized how well they worked in her closet, I put a couple in my closet, in all our suitcases and in our drawers! I even put one under the seat in the truck! With the heat we've been having, the car was fresh and smelling like a field of lavender in about an hour! In fact I used so many of the sheets, that  I had to go buy another box! LOL. I LOVE these new sheets and you will too!

Want to win a box of Purex Dryer Sheets to try for yourself?

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