Back to School Healthy Lunch Tips for Busy Moms!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this info, free of charge,from Sprout Baby Foods,  via SS PR, for blog posting purposes. I received  no compensation, for it's post. No has any additional compensation,  monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post/review.Nor was I told what to say, all opinions are my own.

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It’s difficult to believe that it’s time to send our little ones back to school, some of us already have, others of you are seriously counting DOWN the days!

This year, fix healthier lunches by stocking up on foods that you and your child will love.  

Try new packaged snacks like Smash Smoothies from Sprout Organic Foods as a nutritious and delicious option for lunch or after-school, for instance! 

Cute superhero packaging is fun for kids while parents can rest assured that their children are getting
proper nutrition from the wholesome organic ingredients like veggies, fruits, coconut milk, quinoa and
Greek yogurt. They come in a handy squeeze pouch with a re-sealable top too. 

Here are some other suggestions when packing lunches this year:

1. Make a low shelf or a basket that has all healthy options and let you child pack their own lunch. By allowing them to make decisions, toddlers and children feel like they are in control of their eating and won’t feel forced to eat what they don’t like.

2. Plan ahead by having your child try all of the foods before putting them in their lunch bag. There’s nothing worse than having a full lunchbox go to school and a full, uneaten lunchbox come home. If your child tries everything ahead of time, they’ll be likely to eat their meal.

3. Eat the rainbow by providing a wide variety of colorful foods. Chances are if the lunch bag has all white and neutral foods, there are too many carbohydrates and not enough balance.

4. Make clear definitions about dessert. Perhaps specify one or two days a week for a sweet treat to keep them special.

5. Write a short note to your child reminding them that they are so special and loved.

Do you have any other great tips?

Share them with us!

About Sprout Foods

Sprout Baby Food’s mission is simple: provide children, and the parents who feed them, with fresh and delicious whole foods that encourage happy and healthy eating. Founded in 2009, the entire product
line is organic and features dishes and recipes created by renowned chef Tyler Florence, a 15-year Food Network veteran, author and father of three and one of Sprout Food’s founders. Using unique cooking methods and seasoning the recipes with gentle, beneficial herbs and spices, Sprout Foods has created tasty, unique, nutritious combinations that children – and their parents – love.



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