DVD Review: Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this DVD, free of charge, from Warner Brothers, via the Lippin Group, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.
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As I've told you before, Miss Grace is a huge fan of Tom and Jerry, and has watcher her Tom & Jerry: No Mice Allowed 2 dvd set at LEAST 30 times, since we got it (no lie!). So she was thrilled to watch the preview video on it for this new DVD, Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure!, which is set to release next week (on August 6, 2013), and beyond ecstatic when the DVD showed up in the mail this week! 

Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure cover

A fresh, new adaptation of the classic tale Jack and the BeanstalkTom and Jerry’s Giant Adventure tells the story of how the popular cat and mouse duo team up with a young boy named Jack, as they journey to Fairyland and confront a greedy giant named Ginormous. Along the way the meet other famous characters from classic children’s literature and legendary nursery rhymes, that will delight adults, as they see cartoon characters from their childhood, making this an excellent movie fro family video night!! 

Nine-year-old Jack and his mom Violet have fallen on hard times when their fairytale-themed amusement park, Storybook Town, falls into disrepair and thus fails to attract the patrons it once drew. Unless they come up with a mortgage payment, the park will be torn down and replaced by a strip mall. Forever optimistic, Violet and Jack refuse to give in and live by the adage “dreams come true if you believe.” To come up with part of the mortgage, Jack sells their beloved cow, Hermione(this was about the part where the screams of glee started again, with Miss Grace hollering "Mom, just like Harry Potter!"). Tom and Jerry, who are all that’s left of Storybook Town’s petting zoo, accompany young Jack, who trades Hermione to a mysterious stranger named Farmer O’Dell in exchange for magic beans.

Jack’s mom is upset Hermione was traded for beans. Tom and Jerry, however, know there is something uniquely distinctive about these beans and bury them in the soil. As night falls on Storybook Town, Tom, Jerry and Jack fall asleep but are soon awakened by the magic beans, which have formed a giant beanstalk that shoots up like a rocket above the clouds and carries the trio to Fairyland – a magical place, high in the sky.

In Fairyland, Tom, Jerry and Jack meet several characters from legendary children’s stories and nursery rhymes. They also meet Ginormous, a greedy, tyrannical giant with a keen sense of smell, who terrorizes everyone in Fairyland. Jack realizes he’s living the role of “Jack” in Jack and the Beanstalk and learns it’s his destiny to fight Ginormous and free the citizens of Fairyland. Tom and Jerry join in, in what turns out to be an unforgettable epic adventure that promises to leave viewers sitting at the edge of their seats!


Miss Grace LOVED this video and sat quite happily through out the WHOLE video! She then had to go into the other room and tell Papa ALL about it. In detail. LOL Then I had to tell her about ALL the cartoon characters she didn't know about and promise to hunt down video featuring them too! She also enjoyed the extra
Tom and Jerry episodes that were included: I Dream of Meanie, The Flying Sorceress and Abracadumb. I am thrilled she loves watching characters that have been updated, but have the same appeal as they did when I, and her grandparents, were kids! You and your family will love this dvd too, so check it out and find a solution to the end of Summer "I'm Boreds"!

How about some coloring sheets for the kiddos, before the movie comes out?

Just right click on the images below, save to your computer and print them out!

Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure coloring sheet 1
Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure coloring sheet 2

Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure coloring sheet 3

Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure coloring sheet 4

Tom and Jerry's Giant Adventure coloring sheet 5

About Tom & Jerry: Originally created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, in 1940,  Tom and Jerry emerged during Hollywood’s golden age of animation and became one of the most popular cartoon series in existence. They conceived and directed the shorts for 18 years for MGM Studios winning seven Academy Awards, tying with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies as the theatrical animated series with the most Oscars! After that, Chuck Jones directed the shorts for a few years in the 1960s, Hanna Barbera studios came back in the 1970s with hit television series, featuring the duo. 

The shorts have always focus on the never-ending rivalry between Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse.The plots of each short usually center on Tom’s attempts to capture Jerry. Jerry, however, is clever and quick on his feet so Tom hardly ever manages to catch him.
