I AM SECOND & Seconds Change Movement!

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this info, free of charge, from FlyBy Promotions, for blog posting purposes. I received a promotional item to promote the site, but no other compensation,  monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post/review. Nor was I told what to say, all opinions are my own, and yours may be different.

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Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor. People like you. The authentic stories on iamsecond.com provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled. 

You’ll discover people who have tried to go it alone and have failed. Find the hope, peace, and fulfillment they found. Be Second.

Topics include everything- love, divorce, abuse, anger, cancer, death, resentment, contentment- basically all the ways in which we emotionally meet God, in one way or another. I recently had the chance to check out the website and was struck by a couple of videos, that I wanted to share with you!

One of the most striking videos to me was from Myrka Dellanos, a well known Hispanic TV personality, who struggled to find true love. She married and divorced, married and divorced, and married again. Each divorce landed her in the public spotlight with her latest marriage problems plastered on magazine covers around the world. The third marriage was meant to be different, to last, to be true love. But it too ended. Domestic violence battered their relationship and tore their marriage apart. A new search began, a search for a new love. And as she began to rebuild her life, she too found a new love in an unexpected place.

Her video is in Spanish, but with subtitles, but her story may strike a chord with you, or remind you of a friend, and how she found hope, grace and forgiveness. I hope will inspire you, as it did me- click on Myrka's name, below the picture to access the video!

Myrka Dellanos I am second video photo

Another striking video is from country star Josh Turner- he speaks about the purpose of life and performing at the Grand Ole Opry, getting Country Music Award nominations, and touring across the country. For Josh Turner these are the culminations of dreams planted in him long ago.
And the song that propelled it—Long Black Train-can also be traced to a vision from God. The song proved to be a most unlikely hit in the country music scene, from perhaps a most unlikely emerging star, and captured hearts around the world.
Josh’s honest discussion of the calling on his life as a performer and the motivations of his heart, is must see-viewing for most any person. Click on the link below the picture to view the video.
josh turner i am second video photo
Josh Turner

Striking aren't they?  Want to see more, share more? 

You can help! 

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 Seconds Change
Give Change, Make Change- Many more stories are waiting to be told.  You can help.  Commit $2 every Tuesday, to build film funds, and your contribution will be used to develop, produce and promote new films. Join the project and become an I am Second insider with access to exclusive content via Facebook.

AND take the 22 day challenge and be an asset of change for YOUR city!

Check out all the I AM SECOND links and keep up with the movement!
