Sweet Booties and Blankets, Bonnets, Bibs & More Can Meet ALL Your Baby's Needs! (book review)

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, from Sterling Publishing for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.

  back to school button

Ah, Back to School, now you have time for those little 'for me' or 'for someone else' projects! 

How about a book that features QUICK and easy projects for baby?
(or for your daughter's baby doll? Think Christmas!)

sweet booties and blankets, bonnets, bobs & more cover

Synopsis: These irresistible and simple sewing projects—more than 30 of them—come from the freshest indie craft designers around! And that sets them apart from other collections for small fry; every blanket, bib, bonnet, and more is fashioned from contemporary fabrics and features a modern, slightly edgy aesthetic that moms and dads will really appreciate.

The adorable, stylish creations range from a pair of tiny flowered shoes tied with a ribbon to a pair of witty bibs for boys and girls. A brightly striped sunhat glows with the warm colors of summer, while a sweet blankie showcases the stitched outline of a doggie in an airplane with a border of little bones. Other projects flaunt lovely embroidered and appliquéd embellishments.

A “Sewing 101” section makes a great intro for beginners or a helpful refresher course. It features valuable tips specifically for baby projects, including laundry-friendly fabrics and safety advice on adornments.

baby elf hat 1

Review:   This is an adorable book of 32 projects, and the book comes with 12 full size patterns on a cd, so you can download them as needed. I was happy to see that many of the patterns are ones I have used before for baby presents, and now I can have them ALL in one place! In fact, the included Cuddle Quilt is one that is my go-to pattern! Unfortunately I did not have time to make any items from the book, but they are ALL very simple to make for beginners and amateur sewers we well.

baby booties

Other very sweet patterns in the book include the Sweet Peas and Just Ducky boots that could easily be adapted for your older daughter's 16 inch doll, elf caps (which are perfect for holiday giving-Halloween AND Christmas), yo-yo bow and mobile. in fact, the mobile would be great for a little girls room as well, made with fabrics to match her bedding!

baby wearing bib

The quilted bibs also can be made for any holiday- you could make a set of holiday bibs for the new baby!  They are also a great way to use up small amounts of fabric and trim- aha how to get rid of all those scraps!

The patterns are all very easy and quick to make, even for a beginner! If you are looking for a book to cover all you baby shower present making needs, this is the book to buy!

About the Author:
Valerie Van Arsdale Shrader made a pair of pink culottes when she was eleven years old, and has loved fabric ever since. She's a senior editor at Lark Books, and has written and edited many books related to textiles and needlework. Valerie knits every now and then, too, and dreams about making art quilts.
