Want to Encourage Reading? Think Personalized Books from KD Novelities!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from KD Novelities, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.

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Ah back to school, if your child is starting to read, that could be a good thing or a bad thing!

Some kids take to reading like fish born in water, others struggle,

If there is one thing that will encourage and engage an early reader, it is a book that features them in it! Seeing THEIR name in a BOOK always delights a child, add their favorite characters and a true bond will form!

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KD Novelities has just the line of books to meet your needs!
Their personalized books help to build self-esteem in children because they become the stars of their very own stories.  And not only that, you can add their hometown, friends and family names, and even their age, to make the story JUST about them! The books are also a unique way of promoting literacy in children, as kids will WANT to read about themselves in the story! 

kd novelities sample personalization

The personalized book themes include Sesame Street, Ballerina Princess, Batman, Beauty and the Beast, the Circus, the Zoo, DC Superheroes, Dinosaurs, Farm Animals, Football, Soccer,  Little Mermaid, Mother Goose, camping, fishing, a tea party, visiting a fire station, pop star, African-American heroes and even Scooby Doo! They even have 20 Disney titles that can be personalized as well!

You can even select a book to honor a special event like the First Day of School, Potty Training, Birthday Wishes, and even Christmas! The books are perfect to memorialize a milestone in your children's life! Especially if sent by a grandparent or family member, who lives far away!

I chose to select a gift book for Miss Grace for her first day of 1st Grade (oh my, WHERE has the time gone?), with her new favorite cartoon character: Scooby Doo!

kd novelities  scooby doo book

The book is a 6 x 9 hard cover book, with 24 pages full of colorful illustrations. The story has your child teaming up with Scooby-Doo, and the gang, to solve a mystery and save an Ice Cream party from an angry polar bear, who wants to destroy the ice-cream factory! Your child becomes the hero and saves the day, along with Scooby Doo! I knew as soon as I read through the book online (you can preview the entire book, which is super), that Miss Grace would LOVE it!

kd novelities  scooby doo book dedication

kd novelities  scooby doo book sample 1
It was very simple to register, select a book and then fill in the requested info- your dedication page (you can see what I did above) , child's name, friend's/family member's name (you can add up to 6), hometown, age and sex. Once I did all that, I was able to preview the book again with the info included, to check for spelling errors (always a good thing!). 

kd novelities  scooby doo book cover
I received my book very quickly and was quite impressed with it! Sometimes with online personalized books you get the feeling that they were ran off a home computer and slapped together. Not the ones from KD Novelities! As you can see it has excellent coloration and all the pages look like they were ran on a professional printing press! The book looks like it came from the bookstore! I had to laugh when I looked at the back cover and saw that the 'bad guy' was in the cop car- a typical Scooby Doo ending!

I know Miss Grace will scream with delight when she sees the book and that she is part of the story! And it will challenge her reading! I put it at about a 1st (with help)-3rd grade level. 

kd novelities veggieeales cds
KD Novelities also has personalized music cds, that have your child's name in the songs! I am thrilled  to tell you they have VEGGIETALES cds! You KNOW how much we love VeggieTales! They also have Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse and Disney princesses, among many others!
Not enough?
They also have personalized DVDS! Your child's photo (face) and name are incorporated into the animation! Popular titles are Amazing Kid, Little Mermaid, and Turbo Kid. They even have an Amazing Dad book that you can get for Dad for his birthday or Father's Day (sorry, no book for Mom, bummer)!
As you can see KD Novelities can cover all your gift and special occasion events for your children! Even the Better Business Bureau agrees- they give them an A+ rating! 
So head on over and check them out, and you'll agree!
kd novelities mother goose set

KD Novelities is running a special giveaway for all their NEW Facebook fans! You can enter to win by liking their Facebook page, commenting on their wall that you referred to their Facebook Page by Bless Their Hearts Mom, and they will send you the special link to enter the giveaway for a Mother Goose personalized children's book and personalized nursery rhymes  CD set, a $30 value!

Be sure to follow KD Novelities on Twitter and Pinterest as well for for exclusive deals and discounts!

Thanks KD Novelities for making 
1st Grade Special for Miss Grace!
