Interview with Bill Walker, author of Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this INTERVIEW, free of charge, via Partners in Crime BookTours, for blog posting  purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it

Earlier I posted a review and giveaway for this wonderful book, and now I have a wonderful interview with one of the authors!

abe lincoln pube enemy #1 banner tour

1. Do you draw from personal experiences and/or current events?

For me, ideas come from a variety of sources. Could be current events, or a line from a novel, a story from the newspaper, an anecdote, or even from a particularly vivid dream. I'll take an idea no matter where it comes from. Once I've decided the idea merits expansion and fleshing out, then I'll draw from my own experiences where appropriate. For this book, there was a lot of research, as we wanted to keep the book as historically accurate as possible, yet still present

Lincoln in a situation in which he never could have participated. As for creating characters, while any given character I create will have their own personalities, which will differ widely from my own, it's my ability to inhabit their personas as I write them. In some ways that makes me the ultimate actor, and it's especially fun to be the bad guy when it comes time to write those parts.

2. Do you start with the conclusion and plot in reverse or start from the beginning and see where the story line brings you?

I don't outline my books, as I feel that strangles the creative process. Now, I'm sure if I were writing a more intricately plotted book, some of that would be necessary just to keep things straight. For me, it's nice to know the ending, but I'm always prepared for when the characters take control and point the story in a new and different direction. Sometimes that can be inspirational. At other times, I have rein them in.

3. Your routine when writing?  Any idiosyncrasies?

I like to write in the morning; but as my wife will tell you, when I'm in "Story Mode," I'm thinking about the book 24/7. If I come up with something great at midnight, I'll plop myself in front of the computer and I'm off. As for idiosyncrasies, I have an extensive collection of hats. So, sometimes, I'll wear a particular hat because it puts me in a certain mood to write a certain scene. Or, if the hat is reminiscent of one of the characters it will help me focus on that character. So, if were going to write a sequel to A Clockwork Orange, for example, I have the proper bowler hat for it ;-)

4. Is writing your full time job?  If not, may I ask what you do by day?

Writing is not my fulltime job. I've been a graphic designer for many years and I'm also a licensed insurance agent.

5. Who are some of your favorite authors?

Stephen King, Richard Matheson, Dean Koontz, Lee Child, Edgar Allan Poe, Joseph Payne Brennan, Rod Serling, O. Henry and too many others to mention.

6. What are you reading now?

Right Now I'm reading the latest Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child, Never Go Back.

7. Are you working on your next novel?  Can you tell us a little about it?

Right now my co-author, Brian Anthony, and I are planning the sequel to Abe Lincoln: Public Enemy No. 1. It promises to be quite an adventure for our 16th President.

8. What’s the difference between writing alone and with a co-author?

The biggest difference is that one can bounce ideas off one's collaborator, whereas if you're writing alone, you don't have that luxury, unless you're working with an editor. Brian and I have known each other for nearly forty years and we have a lot of common interests and we think alike in many ways. I can say without reservation that while I love writing, I've never had more fun than I've had working with Brian on this book.
