Product Review: Ancient Minerals Magnesium Goodnight Lotion and Gels

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received these products, free of charge, from Ancient Minerals, via B2B, for blog posting purposes. No compensation,  monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post/review. Nor was I told what to say. As with any medical advice- consult with YOUR doctor before proceeding with use, our experiences are just that, ours. Yours may be different.

auf dem ofen sleeping girls

Did you know that magnesium is required for proper sleep cycle regulation? Yup, if you work a weird schedule, and just can't seem to get enough deep sleep, you just might be deficient in magnesium! And according to the latest research, 55% of us are NOT getting enough magnesium!

Magnesium helps your body to relax muscles, calm your nervous system, slow metabolic processes and transitioning the body into a restful state, so that you can fall into a deep sound sleep. How do I know for sure it's true? Because I've tested it with Ancient Minerals Magnesium Goodnight Lotion!

ancient minerals goodnight lotion
The newest release from Ancient Minerals, a company known for quality ingredients, is a complementary blend of magnesium, MSM, and melatonin, and is formulated with a better night’s sleep in mind.

We all have read how Melatonin plays a critical role in your biological clock, but did you know that it also is a powerful antioxidant, scavenger of free radicals, an immune booster, neuroprotective agent,  and a mood stabilizer. Hence, why it works So well at keeping our bodies in alignment! Did you know that it can even help with migraines, mood disorders, and restless leg movement when sleeping?

MSM is also a needed ingredient for the lotion. Methylsulfonylmethane is a naturally occurring sulfur compound, that we used to get in abundance when all our dairy and meat sources were grass fed. But now with depleted soils and a trend to grain fed only animals, our bodies are lacking in this compound as well. MSM is used in the Goodnight Lotion as way to help increase skin absorption. But it has been used in sleep studies to relieve respiratory issues like snoring and sleep apnea. AND it has been used for pain management, especially in regard to arthritis!

All of these ingredients are blended together into the Goodnight Lotion, which via its transdermal application, allows your skin (which is you largest organ, did you realize that?) to effectively transfer the magnesium throughout your system quickly and easily! And you have to admit rubbing on lotion is a whole LOT better than taking 2 large capsules before bedtime, right? AND this lotion is actually good for your skin on the inside and out! It has coconut oil and shea butter, all plant derived, to soothe and hydrate your skin, without leaving your skin feeling waxy or greasy. AND it is fragrance free, and has NO formaldehyde releasing preservatives!

All you have to do before bedtime is to use one pump's worth of lotion, and rub it on your skin, 30 minutes before bedtime. That is it! I found that I was falling asleep EASIER and quicker every night I used it! And I slept deep- meaning when I fell asleep, there was no waking from tossing and turning. In fact, I frequently found myself in the same spot I was in when I fell asleep, AMAZING, as I am a tosser and turner! AND I did find I slept a solid 6-7 hours. Which is hard for me, as I tend to wake up after 4 hours! I also found that I was less groggy the next day and felt more alert- bonus!

I really shouldn't have been surprised, as magnesium is a proven muscle relaxer, and that it works during every stage of sleep, to assist your body in slowing down metabolic processes and lowering your brain temperature, so that your body can repair daily damage during your sleep (did you realize your body DOES that at night?) cycles. Plus it helps regulate key hormones responsible for not only helping you fall asleep, but keeping you asleep. Hormones. There be the key- as any peri-menopausal/Menopausal woman will tell you- once the hormones are off, sleep is history! 

SO yes, I had my 'ah-ha' moment- maybe what, we as older women are truly lacking in getting a good nights sleep  (and stopping some of those annoying side effects) is MAGNESIUM. Now I'm not a doctor, but I know what WORKED for me- this Goodnight Lotion! All ill effects STOPPED when I took it. When I stopped using the lotion, they came back. It's not hard to make the connection!


Ancient Minerals also sent me some of the Magnesium spray, and while it was also effective, the Goodnight Lotion worked the best for me (probably because of my lack of melatonin). We started using the Magnesium Oil spray on Miss Grace and it seemed to boost her magnesium, to where it needed to be and she slept better as well.

I am a FIRM believer in this lotion, and can't recommend the entire Magnesium line from Ancient Minerals enough! You HAVE to try this line! They have flakes, oil, gel, spray and the lotion! You can purchase them all online at the Magnetic Clay Baths store!

us mangesium intake chart

Not sure if you need Magnesium? Let's check out 10 questions to ask if you do:

1. Do you drink carbonated sodas? The phosphates in soda actually bind magnesium and take it from your body!
2. Do you have a lot of stress in your life? Suffered a recent surgery? Stress is a HUGE magnesium eater, and it will deplete your body VERY quickly!
3. Do you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages daily? Our bodies use extra magnesium to digest caffeine, taking more from our bodies.
4. Does your calcium supplement have magnesium, or less than a 1:1 ratio? If your body is low on magnesium, then your body may build up calcium, causing internal issues
5. Do you eat sweets, pastries or other desserts? Our bodies need magnesium to digest refined sugars that are in these products, leeching more magnesium from your body.
6. Do you take a diuretic, heart medication, asthma medication, birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy? A side effect of all of these medications, is to reduce the magnesium in your body!
7. Do you drink more than 7 alcoholic beverages during a week?  Life caffeine, our bodies need more magnesium to digest alcohol, depleting your body.
8. Do you suffer from muscle spasms, eye tics, Fibromyalgia, or muscle cramping? All of these neuromuscular symptoms are signs of magnesium deficiency.
9. Are you anxious? DO you have a hard time falling asleep or sleeping? Again, all can be signs of magnesium deficiency. 
10. If you are age 55 or older, or answered yes to ANY of the above questions, you are VERY vulnerable to being magnesium deficient and NOT knowing it!

SO how did you do? If you didn't pass this test, then you NEED to check out this great line of products!

ancient minerals giveaway prize pack

And because I love it so much, I have a 4 sample packs of the Ancient Minerals Mangesium Gel and Lotion (regular and Ultra), for one lucky BTHM reader to try out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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