The Holiday Food Season is HERE, but Dr Scholl's #ActiveSeries can HELP!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from Dr. Scholl's,, via the Influenster Program, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.

dr scholls active series insoles

If you wear insoles, you've probable seen these at a local store, and wondered about them!

dr scholls logo

These new insoles from a name you can trust- Dr. Scholl's, are for serious active wear! These Dr Scholl's Active Series insoles are designed with Triple Zone protection for your foot's ball, heel AND arch, to reduce shock by 40%. Whcih means they will help relieve, and prevent, pain from shin splint (my HUGE problem), runner's knee and plantar fasciitis (which I'm developing, sigh!). And after all that success, they also help keep your active footgear safe from odor with SweatMax technology, which helps to reduce foot odor. SCORE!

But like any product- seeing is believing!

dr scholls active series insoles 2

I first tried these out in a pair of flat tennis shoes (everyday wear), as I wanted to see how much SUPPORT they could offer. You can see the 3 zones they cover in the photo on the left. As you can see, they don't take up much room, but the difference? That would be ALL day wear. As I said above, I'm starting to have issues with my right foot and plantar fasciitis. The middle shots was taken at 8am, when we left for an all day adventure, and the last pix is from 4pm that same day- and those are some seriously HAPPY feet! No soreness at all- even after walking on concrete for most of the day! WOO HOO!

dr scholls active series insoles 3

But the main thing about these insoles is that they are made to go in your running shoes!
Running has really not been an option with me since I broke my foot- it seems like shin splints got WORSE afterwards, and it left me with walking and trying sprints when I could. But I have to admit, with these Active Series insoles, I could go a lot farther on the sprints. I know I will have to work myself back up to it, but in the meantime, for fast walking/sprints, they are making a huge difference,  even with having great New Balance shoes!, and allowing me to get back on track with an exercise regiment, before the SERIOUS holiday food is upon us!

And I have to admit, I've put these Active Series insoles through some serious trials! For Monster Mash last weekend I put them in a pair of western styles ankle boots, who are great to wear for short periods, but for long term, can cause my arch some series issues. Guess what- 5 hours on grass, serious MUD, dirt, gravel, and asphalt, and NO pain. No shin pain, no arch pain. Can I get a serious cheer? We all have those boots that have 'issues'- now you can wear them this fall season with these insoles and save your feet! My boots are rejoicing. Course my pocketbook isn't, because I'm going out and buying pairs of the Active Series for about 9 pairs of shoes! LOL

I am 100% sold on these insoles and will keep using them!

Please note- these insoles should be replaced every 6 months (or at any sign of serious wear)!

Check them out and you will be too!
They're available in mens and womens sizes. You can purchase them at your local Target, Walmart, and Walgreens, to name a few! And if you check in on their website, you can get a $4 coupon today too!
