Pinterest-Fail or No Fail: Turkey Cookies!

pinterest fail or no fail button

It's been awhile since we've had a Fail/No Fail post!

Miss Grace wanted to make the turkey cookies she saw in one of Meme's magazines. Unfortunately, we couldn't find the ad she meant in the huge stack of magazines that Meme was getting rid of, so what else is a Mom with a kid in need to do? Yup, Pinterest to the rescue!

I found the exact cookies she meant:

From Kid Party Food Ideas:

turkey cookies from pinterest

Decorated sugar cookies! Easy peasy!

Off to the pantry we went, and then off to the store we went- LOL

We ended up switching to peanut butter cookies ("Mom, they like your peanut butter cookies better!"- ok so they're Betty Crocker's peanut butter cookies (mix), but hey we'll roll with it! LOL). So while she was at school I did the 'boring' part and baked up all the cookies. I know, lucky me! Course that also meant that I got to sample the one I 'accidently' put my thumb into...LOL

When Miss Grace got home, we set everything out and got to work turning cookies into turkeys!

making turkey cookies

As you can see, Miss Grace has FUN adding the candy corn and eyeballs!

The frosting tubes started giving us some issues, so I ended up having to do that part for her. As we had the extra frosting, I also added a little waddle, for more authenticity to the kids chagrin ("MOM, the picture doesn't have that!' "Well, they don't have real looking candy eyeballs either!" "OK"...)


tada. le turkeys

They apparently were so good, that everyone in class, 2 teachers and the entire office staff finished them off,
after many comments of "oh look HOW cute, I can't believe you made them!".

The final result:

no fail button



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