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Book Review: 21-Day Tummy by Liz Vaccariello with Kate Scarlata, RD
Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge, from the author,via Bostick Communications, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it
Did you make resolutions to loose weight this year?
Are you already getting behind that goal?
How about a diet that is only 21 days and can help you loose 10 pounds of belly fat, to jumpstart you on your way?
Based on the latest science, the 21-Day Tummy diet targets excess weight and belly fat while addressing the most common digestive disorders.
We love to eat but that doesn’t mean our stomachs always enjoy digesting what we put in them. Add to this the fact that our nation is heavier than it’s ever been, and it’s clear that our tummies don’t just need to function better, they need to be smaller. In general, smaller stomachs digest food more effectively, and that’s why dropping the pounds isn’t just a matter of vanity but of health.
Featuring carb-light, anti-inflammatory foods, the 21-Day Tummyeating plan slashes inches from your belly (up to 4 ½ inches!) while banishing gas and bloating, heartburn and acid relux, constipation, diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
In addition, 21-Day Tummy includes:
- 50 scrumptious recipes such as Tomato-Ginger Flank Steak and Almost Pumpkin Mini Pies.
- a Digestion Quiz to help you measure your overall digestive health
- tips on how to combat the Four S’s—Supersizing, Sitting, Stress, and Sleep Deprivation.
- inspirational stories and advice from our successful test panelists. Our top tester dropped 19 pounds in 21 days and completely stopped taking medications for acid reflux.
-an optional equipment-free workout plan that helps to both sculpt and soothe your belly with a mix of core strengthening, walking, and yoga.
-guidelines on how to incorporate potentially problematic foods back into your life so you are never deprived of your favorite foods.
21-Day Tummy is a fun, easy guide to healthy eating that will have a smaller, healthier you feeling better than, well, possibly ever!
The basic of the diet is to balance your gut flora and reduce inflammation in your body by eating magnesium rich foods, eating anti-inflammatory foods, eating fewer car-dense foods and fewer FODMAPS (sugars that ferment quickly, frequently found in car dense foods). I had to smile when I read the first chapter, as basically is is very similar to the gluten-free/remineralizing diet that Miss Grace is on and that has helped me drop weight without even trying the last 2 months! You avoid milk, high fructose sugars, and wheat, while eating more bananas, greek yogurt (Miss Grace has Kefir instead) and salmon/tuna.
Did you know that when you immune system overreacts, because it things you have bad stuff inside, it starts with inflammation in your gut? Yup as simple as that- your gut handles 70% of your immune system. Didn't know that did you? Something that we discovered with Miss Grace is that many people who think they are lactose intolerant ARE gluten sensitive instead, or in addition! So every time you eat something with yeast- your body goes into overdrive and bamm, there starts the inflammation, even if you take probiotics every day, what you EAT may be counter productive to them!
Besides weight, what can this diet get rid of? How about gas and bloating, heartburn and acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea and IBS. And yes, it really does- we saw ALL of this stop with Miss Grace when we put her on her similar diet. This diet is 3 phases- flatten (lowest in calories and includes one meal replacement smoothie daily), soothe/shrink (keeping the once a day shake, you get more food as your metabolism will be in high gear) and balance (you get balanced meals of 305 protein, 40% carbs and 30% fat). The book includes 21 days of sample meal plans, followed by recipes and a 21 day workout plan (walking, strength/core training and yoga).
If you are looking for a plan that is HEALTHY and that can get you on the right track NOW, check out this new book- trust me, it WORKS.
About the Authors:
Liz Vaccariello is the editor-in-chief and chief content officer of Reader’s Digest, one of the world’s largest media brands, with 26 million readers. A journalist with 20+ years experience in health and nutrition, she’s also the coauthor of the New York Times bestsellers Flat Belly Diet!, The 400-Calorie Fix, and The Digest Diet. Vaccariello regularly appears on national programs such as Good Morning America and The Doctors, and has been featured on The Biggest Loser, Today, Rachel Ray, and The View. Previously, Liz was the editor-in-chief of Prevention. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and twin daughters. Her blog, Losing it with Liz, lives on She has over 3,000 followers on Twitter (@LizVacc).
Kate Scarlata, RD, LDN is a registered and licensed dietitian with over 25 years of experience in the nutrition and wellness field, specializing in digestive disorders. Kate completed her postgraduate training at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Harvard Medical School teaching affiliate. The author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Well with IBS, she has been interviewed in many national publications, including Ladies Home Journal and Fitness magazine. She lives and practices in Medway, Massachusetts.
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