Some pix from the Krewe of Lyra Mardi Gras parade
Coldest Mardi Gras on record and our girls said "ok, Marines and ROTC caved",
GIRL power is ON. They walked and danced, followed by the Northshore Roller Derby Girls.
Couldn't be any prouder of how TOUGH and COMMITED these kids are.
The crowds (and there were more people than you'd expect) LOVED seeing them and cheered them on as troopers!
and our Krewe of Erin St Patrick's Day Parade
The girls weren't too sure about dancing with their sashes on, but they did,
and with smiles on their faces, and a bounce in their step!
Beads, beads, beads, We actually ran out RIGHT before the end of the parade.
These kids can THROW- love their generosity!!!!!!!!
and my darlin, looking SO grown and professional,
before the Krewe of Erin Ceili Performance:
These kids could NOT stop dancing the WHOLE day!
Even in a crowded gazebo!
Must have been the CROWNS!
Curls, Curls, Curls, I knew you'd love a closeup!
and GUESS who won the raffle of a Madame Alexander Irish Doll?
Yeah she's just a TAD thrilled to add it to her Madame Alexander collection that Mom, Meme and Grandma Pam started for her when she was a baby!
and from our Earth fest/ St. Patty's performance
Yes, we really do have to put her hair up in that high of a bun to HOLD the 5 lb wig!
SIGH- I see my future 12 yr old.
Heartbreaker to be!
Cutey Patotey!
She was SO happy with her performance and just look at the girls GO!
Her dance teacher will be pleased at the proper turn out of the feet!
And you can see what the curls look like from the back!
Yes, even an irish Dance Diva has to let her hair down and pull on the rain boots when the Weather Channel says Isolated Showers!
She's growing up WAAAYYY too quickly!
Hope you've enjoyed seeing all our Irish Dance pix in one post!
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