5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything!) Will Amaze YOUR Kids This Summer!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge,from Parragon Books, as part of their Book Buddies Program, <for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it

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And speaking of SUPER, I have a great book for your kids for both the Summer "I'm boreds' and for Back to School reports!

This book is packed with 5000 amazing facts! Produced with Discovery Kids, it features varied and exciting graphics with appealing, easy to read, bite-sized chunks of information for kids. This will be a book your kids come back to over and over!

the book covers everything- animals, space,science, history, art. You name it, it's here!

Some interesting facts Miss Grace wanted to share with you:

Your body has 200 bones, the smallest is in your ear/

An ostrich cam run up to 45 mph, their wings act like those of airplanes, to help them steer and change direction!

A rocket needs to travel 25,000 miles per hour to escape Earth's gravity!

Yup- lots of "ewwwwws" and "awwwws" and "wows!!" will be heard when your kids start reading through this book.

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And when back to school time arrives, this book will help them ferret out facts that can make their reports more lively and interesting! So head be sure to pic up a copy today for your favorite student!

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