Book review: Nutrient-Based Psychiatry by Emmanuel Frank MD

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book,, free of charge,from the Cadence group,, for review purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it,  all opinions are my own. 

And now for a book of 'recipes' for treating ADHD!

Nutrient-Based Psychiatry cover


In Nutrient-Based Psychiatry Volume 1, Emanuel Frank, MD applies his years of study and clinical expertise to describe the relationship and bridge the gap between mainstream psychiatric practice and nutritional interventions, with a focus on ADHD.

Readers come away with deep insight into nutritional approaches to treating ADHD. Specific and detailed information required to make informed decisions about the treatment of ADHD are covered including:

• Causes and comorbid conditions
• Lab tests
• How and when to use dietary modifications and supplements
• When it’s appropriate to consider the use of prescription medications

Written by a practicing board-certified psychiatrist with years of clinical experience, Nutrient-Based Psychiatry was extensively researched with 100s of unique references and peer reviewed by child psychiatrists. Designed for patients, parents and health care professionals alike, this book is a valuable resource for anyone living and dealing with ADHD.


When Miss Grace was diagnosed with a silent form of ADHD, it came right after her diagnosis of Dyslexia. As the two frewuently go hand in hand, I was not really surprised.  However, after the first go round with prescribed medication that nearly landed her in the ER with a severe allergy reaction, I knew we needed to stick with natural remedies, if at all possible.

I wish I had had this book back when the initial diagnosis was given, as iI would have been much better prepared to have certain tests donw BEFORE she wwas given prescription meds. Frank does an excellent job in  giving the parent AND doctor the different approaches to nutritional deficiences and how those approaches might have been the first answer to treating her condition. Ultimately, through LOTS AND LOTS of internet research, we got to using many of the approaches covered in this book. And I can attest that they DO work, and when she goes off the protocoal (ahem, weekends at dad's, the bane of most divorced parents trying to keep kids on these types of regiments), we ALL know it. Sometimes the answers are SIMPLE, if only we allow ourselves to believe that they can work. So I can attest, that this book is a MUST read for those parents with children struggling with the ADHD diagnosis, to see how different treatment programs migth help THEIR child too!

This is the first in a series of books for treating different conditions naturally, and I know they will be very informative and important, for parents with children with different disorders.

About the Author:

EMANUEL FRANK, MD is a child and adult psychiatrist who has practiced in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2004. Dr. Frank integrates nutritional interventions with pharmacotherapy and takes a predominantly psychodynamic approach in psychotherapy to help create significant and enduring change in clients’ lives. He is a board-certified psychiatrist who holds a Masters degree in psychology from Pepperdine University, an MD from Ross University, and has completed residency in adult psychiatry at Harvard University and fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at Stanford University.
