History Corner: Fragments of Truth

Tuesday night Miss Grace and I were able to attend the special event showing of an amazing new movie, Fragments of Truth! It was a one night only showing of an extradorinary documentary. Let me tell you more about it, before I tell you my review.

fragments of truth poster

Our faith is based on the New Testament—but can we really trust the Bible? Skeptics say no, arguing that the Gospel manuscripts have been doctored to push a theological agenda.
In this new Faithlife original film, Dr. Craig Evans takes this claim head-on, traveling the globe to track down the most ancient New Testament manuscripts. Along the way, he highlights groundbreaking new evidence, demonstrating that the case for the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts is stronger than ever.

The bible has been under attack for over 20 years, thanks to popilar books and blind assumptions made by college professors, who then taught their students their beliefs, no matter how erroneous they were. For example, if I asked you how long papyrus lasted, what would be your answer? Like most of us, you probably would say 20-30 years, except for those discovered in dry caves.

But you would be WRONG. As shown in this movie, whole LIBRARIES of papyrus rolls were located in the Egyptian desert in 1897 (!!), and those rolls showed that they had not only lasted for multiple centuries, but had been in USE for at least 150 years, possibly up to 300 years. Let that sink in for a minute.

So if one basic assumption, that the payrus copies of the gospels we have are recent copies is WRONG, and that they are copies of the ORIGINAL texts, or even THE original texts, how does that change the EVIDENCE for the gospels as being from the words of Jesus himself? EXACTLY. Suddenly the lies we have been taught are exposed as very erroneous blind assumptions. 

In this film, Dr. Evans goes on to show how those original gospel copies were then in use until the second copies were made and they were in use for up to 300-400 years  corrections of any wrong spellings and passages, noted on them, and then in the early middle ages a new codex was made with the SAME text, and that THAT codex was actually what the King James bible was made directly from, with no changes! No changes were made by Constatine, as we've been taught, rather the Council of Nicea just said, ok, you want 50 copies of the bible- here it is, the one we've been using for CENTURIES. The Council wrote down ALL their decisions, there were NO changes made to the bible, as it was at that time. Again, blows the mind, doesn't it?

Now here is where the Christian can truly challenge those who oppose the bible. We all know classic literature- the wtritings of Plato, Aristole, etc, and we take THOSE to be their actual writings. But guess what? NO originals or copies exit of their writings. Rather the EARLIEST copies we have of their supposed works are made 900 years AFTER they supposedly wrote them. Let that sink in. 

So we have original copies of the BIBLE that we can show were THE SAME, and CONTINUALLY being used, up to the King James version was made for all people, but we do NOT have that for classical works. YET, the bible is said to be stories and untruths, changed by each writer, but the classics are solid and true?OOPS. Sorry, their is NO logic to that, and makes you re-think HOW you teach the classics now, doesn't it? As a homeschool parent, suddenly I wonder if I SHOULD be teaching those books, or merely incorporating into an Ethics class, as more MODERN literature, based on supposed oral tradition....

There is more to this movie, but you NEED to see it. EVERY Christian does. It will help you be able to not only discuss your faith, but defend it, based on scientific FACT. The director, Rueben Evans, and Dr Craig Evans have done a billiant job with this film, and I hope that it will be part of the FaithTv lineup soon, so that everyone can watch it and learn!
fragments movie involved people

And speaking of, FaithTv has an amazing offer right now too- one month FREE access and then only $4.99 a month. They have some amazing films on their roster, including the Archeaology and Jesus, Evolution Versus God and an great roster of family dramas and cartoons too! So you might want to check it out to help with teaching your kids, or Sunday school classes!
