Add Some Fun to Back to School Shopping With Sharpie!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product, free of charge, from Sharpie, for blog review purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it, all opinions are my own.

back to school button

Are you in the midst of Back to School shopping yet?

This week I've got some products that you might not be thinking about, but that are perfect for your middle and high schoolers!

I don't know about yours, but my kid demanded more 'grown up' markers this year. Aka no more yellow boxes, she wanted Sharpies! And with the new speciality marked packs, I knew there was even more reason to check them out this year, and leave the yellow boxes behind!

special sharpie pack 1

This year in partnership with The Players’ TribuneSharpie offers specialty packs featuring four star athletes and the charity of their choice. These specially marked packs even include a marker with the athlete’s signature! 

special sharpie pack 3

Inspired with extraordinary passion and the power of Sharpie, everyone has the ability to change the world! So this year Sharpie is teaming up with superstar athletes Alex Morgan (Unicef Kid Power), Aaron Rodgers (Wounded Warrior Project), Chris Paul (Christ Paul Family Foundation) and Aaron Judge (#ICANHELP), to Uncap the Possibilities for positive change

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We were sent the Alex Morgan pack to check out and Miss Grace was thrilled she got the ONLY girl pack (course there was a long discussion as to why there weren't 2 girls and 2 boys...sigh). She was thrilled to see Alex's signature on the black marker:

marked sharpie

Also under the black pen was a special code! Sharpie fans can enter the Uncap the Possibilities sweepstakes, using the code in each package, and could win one of more than 50,000 prizes, including a trip to New York City to meet Aaron Judge, autographed items, cash prizes, custom baseball gloves from Rawlings and special edition Sharpie markers!

Miss Grace was eager to enter her code and was thrilled to receive a special edition Sharpie marker!

sharpie drawing

As you can see you can do broader lines, or thin ones, making the makrers perfect for older kids, who need them for projects, art, and everyday doodling!

sharpie special packs

So this year, head on over to the Sharpie section and pick up a pack of markers for your child that not only makes them happy, gives back to very important organizations AND offers your kids a chance to win some amazing prizes!
