Recipe for College Success? Sending Your Millennial to College: A Parent's Guide to Supporting College Success by John Bader

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge,from John Hopkins University press, via Edelweiss,, for review purposes on this blog, No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.

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Ah the Millennials....

college is HAPPENING!
Sending Your Millennial to College: A Parent's Guide to Supporting College Success cover


Whether it is knowing when to ground your helicopter or park your snowplow, parenting a college student today means giving them the independence they need to make their own decisions. In this companion to his best-selling Dean's List: Ten Strategies for College Success, John Bader offers up key strategies for supporting your millennial as they enter this formative stage of their life.

Written with a wit and warmth by someone who has helped thousands of students through college—including his own children—Sending Your Millennial to College is just the book you need to figure out how to

• respect your child's independence while remaining engaged
• assist your daughter or son if they are struggling or need to regroup
• begin healthy and open conversations about the meaning of success
• support good study habits as your child transitions to a new life on campus
• remain thoughtful and empathetic as your child grows and changes

The book explores the causes of academic struggles, even among the best students at America's colleges and universities, and offers concrete ways to navigate back to success. Highlighting the difficult trade-offs and mixed messages parents often receive from a distant campus, Bader combines humor, useful anecdotes, and an expert perspective to guide families coping with the stresses of new academic challenges. Sending Your Millennial to College will help you ask good questions and develop a new—and fulfilling—relationship with your college student.


When our parents sent us off to college, we landed in apartments, worked 3 jobs while taking a full load of classes, and handled our own bills. Which was fine, as we'd had jobs in high school, saved money for our car, and didn't have thousands of dollars of electronic devices we had to keep up with. The result was a LOT less worry by our parents that the transition to college was going to be a nightmare.... 

Nowadays, life has changed and the Millennials no longer have the experience or independence that we had!  Which means parents of new coeds, you just might want to grab this book and read it when it comes out Sunday! This book will help you see what the needs of your fledgling will be, and how as a parent you can support them from afar, WITHOUT being a helicopter parent, and helping your Millennial understand adulthood INCLUDES college.

Chapters include different strategies to deal with common issues like:  Rethinking Your Relationship, Understanding Where They Are, Appreciating Their Academic Choices, Supporting How They Work and Reasons for Failure, Helping Them to Forgive Themselves and Rebuild. That last one can be HUGE, as most Millennials have been trained to NOT face failure and when faced with the sudden reality of being a small fish in a huge pond, they can loose focus and drown. Bader gives very sound advice, based on his years of experience with the changing student body. Both students and parents alike will appreciate how well he knows this new generation!

I would say if you have a kid in high school even, this book is a MUST read as well, so you are prepared, and can start on some of the strategies senior year! It would be a great gift to give to the parent of a college freshman as well.

About the Author:

John B. Bader is Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University and author of Taking the Initiative: Leadership Agendas in Congress and the "Contract with America."
