Book Review: Pull It Off: Removing Your Fears and Putting on Confidence. by Julianna Zobrist

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this book, free of charge,from Firstwords/Hatchette Publishing, for review purposes on this blog, No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.

This new book comes out on the 18th!

pull it off cover


Do you ever feel stuck because of other's expectations of you? Learn to embrace your authentic self and let go of fear. Only then can you step out in bravery, confidence, and brilliance.

"I could never pull that off!" 

How many times have we heard that? How many times have we felt that? Well, if artist and musician Julianna Zobrist had a dollar for every time she heard that, she'd be worth her weight in gold. 

Notorious for her daring fashion and bold creative perspective, Julianna digs deep into her own life to expose why we feel we can't "pull it off." Whether it's fashion, creative expression, parenting, marriage, or daring to go 100 percent at a career, the greatest negative force you will fight against is yourself. 

In PULL IT OFF, Julianna reveals how we can be transparent and vulnerable and yet secure and confident enough to walk through life facing our fears.

PULL IT OFF is broken into three parts that address the issues of authority, identity, and security, to reveal the root issue of where our fears stem from. Julianna walks readers through how to maximize our true identities and lean into our unique gifts due to a grounded belief in our acceptance of others, our acceptance by God, and ultimately, the acceptance of ourselves.

When we are secure, we believe we are worthwhile and can, indeed, pull it of!

Check out the trailer:


We tell our kids all the time to be themselves, to not let social media rule their lives, but do WE model that behavior? In this book Julieanna takes on that concept and shows even adults get caught up in the 'shoulds', keeping up with others, and what the accepted norms are. But we shouldn't. We need to be true to OURSELVES- to our lives, our present, our normal, NOT that of others. And if we ARE true to ourselves, then we truly SHINE, and we SEE our own worthiness! 

I liked how Julianna broken down the book into where our fears come from- most mothers will easily related to that section- and then how we need to address them and move on. It takes courage to step out of the norm, but when we do, we may see how a door closing is actually a large opportunity to breathe and take those first steps to amazing opportunities. And those times are what she discusses in the third part of the book. Overall the book is great for moms, especially, who may have felt like they have lost 'their inner selves', in their attempt to fit in with the other moms or coworkers. 

I had to laugh when Miss Grace picked up this book and asked "Mom just say NO to the tutu (Julianna's on the cover) and keep the blue hair!". After a "why is this color not working"' episode, and redye, that did the same thing, I have blue tinged dark hair, with white roots (LOTS) that are now VERY blue! For those who know me, they laughed and said "that is SO you!", while those who don't may wonder if I've lost my mind. BUT what I saw occur after I chose to roll with it, was Miss Grace taking control of what SHE wanted in her dancing career. She found that inner confidence again, and it showed at her recent evaluation. I was stunned by the dramatic CHANGE, but she just looked at me and said 'I decided to be brave like you'. DUH. We ARE models to our children in SO many ways we don't think about. When we chose to conform and tap down our inner selves, THAT is what we teach our kids. But when we choose to let ourselves SHINE, like God intended? Our kids just might do amazing things!

So take charge of YOUR life again- pick up this book and bring out your inner self and let it SHINE!!


Juliana wants to see YOUR #MyPullItOffMoment!

Share a picture or video of YOUR moment, using the hashtag #MyPullItOffMoment on Instagram or Twitter, to be featured on the #MyPullItOffMoment! website, and in a video will be sharing on both FaithWords channels and Julianna’s!

Click the link above, and listen to Julianna explains the idea behind it!

About the Author

Julianna Zobrist has many titles to her name: author, speaker, music artist, fashion muse, and social media influencer, to name a few. She has appeared at numerous charity/professional events and venues around the nation that include her work with Gucci, Burberry, and Celine at NY Fashion Week, performing during the World Series, and special guest appearances at the White House. She has been featured in Forbes, Parade Magazine, People, Fox News, CBS, and Sports Illustrated, among others. She divides her time between Nashville and Chicago, traveling through life with husband Ben Zobrist (Chicago Cubs World Series MVP) and their three kids. Check out her latest moments on Facebook, and more on the book on the PullItOff website!!

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