Teaching Logic is Easy with Masterbooks!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received these ebooks, free of charge, from Masterbooks, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about them.

 Have you thought about critical thinking skills? 

 They're pretty much all the 'rage' right now, along with life skills, aren't they?

But if you homeschool, have you thought about HOW you're going to teach those skills, from a Christian perspective?


It's ok, I have a solution for you:

introduction to logic cover

How does logic correspond to critical skills?

By definition, logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. So, to be logical is to think rightly, and to draw reasonable conclusions from the available information. But WHAT does that mean? What is the “right” way to think? If two people disagree on whether something is reasonable, who is correct? And what is the standard by which we judge a particular line of reasoning to be correct or incorrect?

In this new course from Masterbooks, we can answer those questions, with our faith, because we know that God determines the correct way to reason. He is the standard for all truth claims.This book helps your kids (and YOU!)  learn about logic and how the Christian worldview provides us with the Biblical basis for the laws of logic, and what do do if it seems our faith is contrary to reason,and more!

AHA, now you see WHY this Introduction to Logic course can be SO important! It is a VERY helpful component to Apologetics, which hopefully your child is getting, so that they can stand firm in their faith! We know they will be constantly bombarded by the media and people wanting to argue their faith away. But by use of LOGIC, they can stand against them and show how they are morally right! By the end of the course, your student will have the ability to refute the untruths that evolutionists claim as fact, and do so LOGICALLY.

introduction to logic sample 1

Because learning the terms and principles of a logic course can be like learning a foreign language, this course has been developed to help students learn them via practical understanding of how they work in logical arguments, with helpful real life analogies and diagrams, that help them make sense of unfamiliar terms, like the ones above. BUT this is one of the more simpler equations, which means that this course is really made for the Upper Middle to High School student. If you look at the diagram below, you can see how it could confuse younger students:

introduction to logic sample 2

I would definitely say that even though the chapters are small (4-5 pages each), you might want to stick with the 2 semester course schedule. Each chapter has some pretty in depth discussion and I really think you need one on one discussion with parent or teacher, for better application and learning. And that means that the additional Teacher's Guide for the course is pretty much a must have!  

intro to logic teachers guide cover

Besides giving you a 2 semester schedule to work off of, the Introduction to Logic Teacher's Guide offers yoworksheets and practice sheets, to help your student better understand each chapter's logic definitions and concepts (see example below). This chapter review is at the beginning of each new chapter worksheet, and helps to remind both the student and teacher, of the main focus of the chapter, and adds additional info to its understanding. These questions can sometimes lead to some really amazing discussions with your teen, so don;t skip them!You also get review quizzes and a final exam. As an added bonus, you get more practice sheets that offer practical study for both the final exam and for actual arguments your student might encounter in life, or online!  

intro to logic teachers guide sample
I have taken many Ethics and Logic courses over the years, and I think this is one of the most succinct courses I have seen! Everything your student needs to become a reliable thinker and effective defender of the Truth are here! I would really suggest that ALL High School students take the course as part of their religion component, as it goes hand in hand with Apologetics. Plus the logical reasoning they learn will help them in their math and science classes, and maybe help them write a killer college essay!
