Recipe Weekend: Essential Oils for Promoting Weightloss by Samantha Boerner

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook from Calisto Press, free of charge, for review purposes on this blog. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it, all opinions are my own

Essential Oils for Promoting Weightloss cover

The all-natural way to promote weight loss—essential oils
Losing weight just got a natural makeover. In Essential Oils for Promoting Weight Loss, you’ll learn powerful ways that essential oils can help you shed unwanted pounds and increase your body’s metabolism and energy level.
This holistic guide goes beyond the basic benefits you get from essential oils and dives deep into the many different ways they can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Also, find out how oils can clear your mind of mental roadblocks, create balance in your body, and encourage detoxification to rid your body of impurities.
Essential Oils for Promoting Weight Loss includes:
  • 7 Fat-burning oils—Get in-depth profiles of the seven best oils for losing weight—lemon, cinnamon, peppermint, grapefruit, ginger, bergamot, and fennel.
  • Beautiful blends—Explore a variety of all-natural remedies that can help you address everyday issues that affect weight loss, like stress, anxiety, and insomnia.
  • Safe practices and more—Obtain the latest safety tips and dilution methods.
Discover a new way you can lose weight and boost your energy using essential oils.


Part 1 of this book starts with basics on eseential oils-how they can help you, safe practices and how to use them. Then it goes into explianing how they can work in conjuction with dieting and exercise, yes, TOGETHER, they are NOT a solution by themselves! I love that this chapter is very clear about what can, and can't, be achieved, and how your emotions and stress CAN affect weight loss, and this is where the oils come into play. Then the book breaks down each of the oils used in the recipes, so you can see info like precautions, uses, benefits, suggestions and best uses. This is very handy to have, as it allows you to make your substitutions to the recipes, if a certain oil is not to your liking.

Part two covers the actual recipes themselves, broken down into 5 areas: appetite/metabolism control, energy uplifters, detoxers, digestion helpers, and finally sleep and calm recipes. Each section features over 10 recipes, and many of them are ones we've either used before, or have seen through other irrefutable websites. There are recipes even for those not strugging with weight loss, but who need energy lifts (that 2pm crash time, you know so well), help to focus, bath soaks to take away stress, and even sprays to help you sleep deeper (that one is a tried and true one for us). Many of the recipes will be ones you want to share with friends, so you might actually come away with some great crafting/gift ideas too. And you could even give the book, with the main essential oils, to a friend/family member struggling with weight loss, as a way to support them! Overall, this is a good essential oil recipe book, and one you can use for more than just weight loss!


This essential oil recipe is good for when you're feeling the snackies but no idea of what you want. The combin of oils when properly used./inhaled, really helps to get your mind off seemless wandering and to focus on whether you're really hungry, or just need to DO something, even if its just drinking more water!

stop overeating diffuser blend recipe

About the Author:

From Samantha:
I’m incredibly passionate about health and wellness. This passion is driven by my own past struggles with weight, anxiety/panic disorder, and insomnia. More recently, I spent two full years deep-diving into these struggles, and worked extremely hard to improve myself mentally and physically, by working with a team of skilled practitioners, changing the way I eat, incorporating yoga and exercise into my weekly routine, and studying the theory and science behind all my favorite methods and tools. As a result, I’ve lost weight, I sleep better, my mental health has improved significantly, and I’ve curated a new career path! I’ve learned so much on my journey, and I feel so excited to pay it forward.

I am the owner of Sage Mind and Body, in Burnsville, MN, where I offer custom aromatherapy, signature aromatherapy blends, and health and lifestyle coaching. I hold a NAHA Level 1 Aromatherapy Certification from the New York Institute of Aromatic Studies (with Level 2 in process), a Health Coach Certification from Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Administration from Liberty University. These certifications have taught me how to help others create and maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, and how to help others find custom blends and products that effectively help with things like digestion, sleep, anxiety, acne, and muscle aches/pains. My past work in a chiropractic and mental health office has helped me see healthcare from a holistic perspective, and perhaps most importantly, my own health journey has provided me with extensive real world experience. Through my own struggles, I’ve tested which methods and products are actually effective, and I’ve been able to truly embody my work.
