Rethink Modern Culture Thanks to GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change and Who We Really Are by Dr. Rick Chromey

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook from IreadBookTours, free of charge, for review purposes on this blog. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it, all opinions are my own

We are uniquely shaped by innovations that influenced us during our "coming of age" years between 10 and 25.

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It is the technological interactions in our adolescence and college years that guide our generational frames more than anything else, not the day we were born.We are generations of technology. We are GenTech.   - Dr. Rick Chromey

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Every twenty years a new generation rises, but who and what defines these generations? And could current generational tags mislead and miss the point? In this insightful analysis of technology history since 1900, Dr. Rick Chromey offers a fresh perspective for understanding what makes a generation tick and differ from others. Within GenTech, readers learn how every generation uniquely interacts with particular technologies that define historical temperament and personality and why current generational labels are more fluid than fixed, and more loopy than linear. Consequently, three major generational constellations emerge, each containing four, twenty-year generations that overlap, merge, and blend:
  • The Audio Generations (1900-1950): Transportation-Telephone Generation (1900-1920), Motion Picture Generation (1910-1930), Radio Generation (1920-1940), Vinyl Record Generation (1930-1950)
  • The Visual Generations (1940-1990): Television Generation (1940-1960), Space Generation (1950-1970), Gamer Generation (1960-1980) and Cable Television Generation (1970-1990)
  • The Digital Generations (1980-2000): Personal Computer-Cell Phone Generation (1980-2000), Net Generation (1990-2010), iTech Generation (2000-2020), and Robotics Generation (2010-2030). Dive in and revel in this exciting, compelling, and novel perspective to understanding recent American generations with GenTech

Check out the Book Trailer:

About the Book:

Category:  Adult Non-fiction 18 yrs +,  328 pages
Genre:  History / Cultural & Technical History
Publisher:  Morgan James Publishing
Release date:   May 26, 2020
Content Rating:  G : This is a non-fiction book about our technical history 
and how it has shaped our culture.


This is a book you need to take your time with, and really delve into each of the chapters. The author does a great job, breaking down out different generations right now, and explaining not only why are they different based on the technology that is their foundation, but also how they think (which is based on how they experience life through that technology). 

Being born at the end of one generation and right prior to another, I am on that second wave of a generational group and have a foot in both. It has given me a different perspective, and now I see why in reading this book. The funny thing is my daughter is the same, and she is on the border of two waves of one generation. It has helped me really understand how she thinks vs how I was raised / how I think. When we say kids nowadays are born intuitively knowing technology, we really are speaking the truth. For them, technology has always been constantly around them,  and is something they do not understand not having. Our recent pandemic,  if you think about it, would have been very very different, if the internet had not been around. For my generation of latch key kids, we would have survived like we always do (ie think post-Hurricane Katrina) . But our kids? That would have been a totally different story, and meltdowns would have been on a colossal level.

This book is really more than just talking about societal norms and culture, it's about helping the different generations not only understand each other, but learn how to parent the younger generations. While you may not think of this as a parenting book, it's what it truly is! It helps you to understand your parents and then how to parent your kids. It's unique for those of us who will find ourselves in the middle and having to deal with three generations in one household!

I really urge everyone to read this book, young and old, as again,  it not only helps you with your family, but it can help you with co-workers and employers. By understanding their different thought processes, based on technology experience, you learn the core of how they experience life. It's also an interesting look at our previous generations in the inventions that defined them oh, and the children born during them and influenced by them during their formative years, making it great for those who love history books as well. This is your must-read for the Summer!

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 (ends July 6)

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About the Author:

Rick Chromey
Rick Chromey is a cultural explorer, social historian and generational futurist. He’s also served as a pastor, professor, speaker/trainer, and consultant. In 2017, he founded MANNA! Educational Services International to inspire and equip leaders, teachers, pastors, and parents. Rick has a doctorate in leadership and the emerging culture; and travels the U.S. and world to speak on culture, faith, history, education, and leadership topics. He has authored over a dozen books on leadership, natural motivation, creative communication, and classroom management. He lives with his wife, Linda, in Meridian, Idaho.

Connect with the Author: website ~ youtube ~ facebook ~ twitter ~ instagram

Book Tour:

June 2 - Bless Their Hearts Mom – book review / guest post / giveaway
June 2 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review / giveaway
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June 4 - Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
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June 8 – Books and Zebras – book review
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June 10 – 411 On Books, Authors, And Publishing News – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
June 10 - Reader's Cozy Corner – book review / giveaway
June 10 - Mowgli with a book – book review
June 11 – Splashes of Joy – book review / author interview / giveaway
June 12 –Nighttime Reading Center – book review / giveaway
June 15 -The avid Reader – book review / giveaway
June 17 - Library of Clean Reads - book review / giveaway
June 19 - Buried Under Books - book review / guest post / giveaway
June 22 - Rockin' Book Reviews - book review / giveaway
June 24 - Olio by Marilyn - book spotlight / author interview
June 24 - Olio by Marilyn - book review / giveaway
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