Recipe for a Fun Room? 30 Watt’s Planters!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received these products, free of charge,from 30 Watts, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about them. All opinions are my own.

Looking to upgrade you now a teenager's room?

need something fun for the kid's new dorm room or apartment?

Just need a laugh during this pandemic?

Then why not give 30 Watt’s innovative Face Plant, or Silicone Planter a try? 

30 Watt brings back joy to morning, thanks to their two new planters, that are not only unique, but perfect for small spaces! And you can't ignore the functionality of their face Plant!

30 watt face planter

Ever wish houseplants looked more like people? Us too. With Face Plant, now they can! Made of ceramic, equipped with a drainage hole and built-in nose and ears, the Face Plant is a wonderfully quirky spot to rest your frames and ensure you never lose your eyeglasses again. Does not include plant, eyeglasses, or markers.

jeffrey in face plant

Your teen can use their white board markers and give Face Plant a very unique face, and a favorite plant (meet Jeffrey above...the plant, not the face, LOL), and then when they go to bed, their Face Plant  will hold their glasses SAFELY all night long, and they will now JUST where they are in the am! Easy to wipe off and start over, this is a fun planter your kids will LOVE!

need to give them a bit more inspiration and happiness in the am?

Then check out their other planter:

30 watt silicone plant  holder

Their light weight  silicone plant holder will hold your tiny plants, against most shiny surfaces, using a patented grip technology, that doesn’t require sticky adhesives (YEAH!) and won’t leave any residue. Available in white or white sand. Perfect for bringing a little cheer to the bathroom, or locker, this is the perfect fuss free planter!

Meet Milo. No, I have no idea why that's his name, it just it. You pick your arguments with a 13 yr old, when you can, LOL. But as you can see, you can put a small cacti or air plant in this holder quite easily! Perfect for bringing a bit of cheer while brushing teeth and waking up in the am!

gift bag

And 30 Watt has some adorably fun gift bags to put these fun planters in, for giving too! 
 So your gift can be gift ready as soon as it comes in!

wineglass holder

But don't leave the kids with all the fun though! They also have great wine glass holders for the bathtub! So you can safely have your glass of wine with your stress reducing bath! Or for those who need their java IN the shower in the am, they have a shower coffee cup holder too!

So when you, and the kids, need some pick me ups this back to school season, be sure to think about 30 Watt!
