Recipe for Happy Homeschooling: Homeschool Hacks : How to Give Your Kid a Great Education Without Losing Your Job (or Your Mind) by Linsey Knerl

 Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook free of charge, from Tiller Press, via #netgalley, for review purposes on this blog. No compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it, all opinions are my own

A working mother of six, who has homeschooled her own children for years, shows how any family can do it, with customized plans for every schedule, lifestyle, and educational goal.

homeschool hacks cover


As kids across the country start the school year on Zoom—and possibly finish it there, too—more and more parents are wondering if homeschooling is the answer. But many fear they won’t be able to juggle it on top of their own jobs and obligations. Luckily, Linsey Knerl is here to help. As a mother of six and freelance journalist whose own children learn at home, she’s committed to making homeschool work for every family who wants it.

In Homeschool Hacks, she shares stories of homeschooling families with different backgrounds and motivations, dispelling the myth that it’s only for religious folks or stay-at-home parents. And she walks you through a complete plan for your child’s learning, including:
-Sample schedules to create a flexible framework for your own classroom
-Curriculum assessments to discern which program will best fit their needs and their schedules
-Tips for finding—and navigating—your local the homeschool community
-Online resources to continue your journey through graduation

Whether you are considering homeschooling for the long term, the short term, or the first time, this book has everything you need to become your kids’ best teacher ever.


If you don't have a homeschool mentor, to help walk you through the beginning steps (something I HIGHLY recommend having), then this is your go- to book, for all the basics and encouragement. It is BASIC, for example, it doesn't cover special needs issues and how you may have to deal with school districts, etc, but for the "normal/on task" student, what you need to start IS included hear, no matter what age you are teaching at home. And there is truth to the maximum that your first year is nowhere like your third. THAT time period is NOT covered either- that is where you drop curriculum three times in one semester, have your kid on 3 different grade levels, or decide to un-school. But this book WILL get you on the right track of getting started!

The only thing I would change is her section on  adjusting to homeschooling. Linsey gives you an abbreviated schedule, but what we found worked best was taking a week OFF to relax, and then a week for field trips and life skill learning, before starting back with a new routine. Kids have to 'unlearn school' before they can 'homeschool'. It's a very different attitude and approach- which i why homeschool parents can be heard saying :behave, or I'll send you back to school school' and the kids screaming "noooooo!' LOL. Be warned, if done right, most kids love the freedom to learn at THEIR pace, to learn subjects THEY want to learn about, and the ability to deep dive into things that they want to, and not be bogged down with 'busy work'. 

About the Author

Linsey Knerl is a mom of six who has been homeschooling since 2004. Her interest in small business and entrepreneurship led to a freelance writing career that complimented her own homeschool style. Linsey has been a trusted source for families since 2008. Her tips for budgeting have appeared in various publications, including TimeShapeBetter Homes & GardensReader’s DigestFamily CircleAll You, and Woman’s World. Her media company (Knerl Family Media) has grown to include her better half in life and business, Sam. Together Sam and Linsey work to educate and support their growing family. -
