WOO HOO- It's Our * 10,000th * Post!!!


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Can you BELIEVE it?

This is our 10,0000 post!

It's been an amazing 12 years!!!

Ya'll have seen the changes in our lives, 
and seen this blog change with them.

For EVERY reader that has been there along the way-


Life has been a bit crazy lately for us (Covid, Hurricanes, HIGH SCHOOL), and
I'm trying to get the blog back on it's normal schedule, but some weeks are just a bit rough. 
So please bear with us, we're gonna get back to wear we were!


And speaking of Covid...

I recently had an email that really got me aggravated- it said

"COVID-19 has disrupted the education of millions of students, many of whom may have lost a year or more of learning. Helping these students ... get back on track will require the best of learning "

As a veteran homeschooler, it riled me on multiple fronts:

1. EVERY day can provide learning experiences for children. They don't have to me wrapped in traditional schooling! These kids that stayed home, DID learn, they just didn't learn in the way our politicians want them to be learning!

2. Were the kids really a YEAR behind? Or did they just learn DIFFEENTLY and the school officials have no way of tracking that, so they just discredit it?


3. Is missing 'social aspects' of school really holding our kids back? Look at all the social interactions they DID have, that they normally wouldn't have. Oh lawd, they came back to school this year THINKING for themselves? See that's what happens when there is more parent involvement and less "social bullying/cancel culture/interaction" from their peers...hmmmm

4. Parents taught their kids how to talk, walk, get dressed, to speak with others, etc... so why would you think that they CAN'T be the ones to help their children succeed? Millions of homeschoolers have proven it's not only doable, but an amazing way for kids to learn.

thinking emojee

And yet, you're gonna hear variations of that quote over and over this year. 


Because too many of ya'll decided maybe teaching your kids YOUR values, morals
 and a proper education, after seeing what they actually WERE being taught, 
was the RIGHT thing to do.....

Now more than ever, our kids need to be able to THINK for themselves,
to NOT be caught up in what other people are thinking/saying/telling them to do.

That is something this blog has always strived to put out there-
God and family first.

woman writing

We hope you agree and will stay with us for the next part of our journey!
