Christian Light Education is THE Solution for Your Homeschool this Year!

 Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this  sample book, free of charge ,from Christian Light Education.for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. All opinions are my own

Yes, I know you regular school moms are just starting to think back to school supplies, but us homeschoolers started thinking next year's curriculum back in March and April, LOL.

But then it never fails that after purchasing the brand new textbooks/workbooks, over the Summer, the kids change their mind about what they want to study THIS semester (welcome to high school planning....) and you're off looking for something else.

I have a new solution for you- a line of Christian homeschool resources designed to offer a broader, deeper, and more challenging instruction, helping kids (grades 1-12) combine Christian values, bible work and traditional education:  Christian Light Education ! 

christian light education logo

The company's motto is : "God's truth equipping God's people to do God's work', and they have been since 1974! Their curriculum features a Bible-based worldview that acknowledges God as Creator and Master touches the way every subject is presented so that your student grows in wisdom and understanding. The curriculum is based on workbooks, known as LightUnits for a very simple reason: students feel confident and successful when they complete a LightUnit every 15-17 days, rather than becoming overwhelmed by a large textbook for the whole year. 

New concepts are taught in bite-size increments at the beginning of the lesson, and each builds on the next, and expands concepts that were previously taught, known as a spiral approach, leading to greater mastery of the subject. For some kids, especially ADHD kids, this may be exactly what they need-they like to stay on topic, not jump all around, like say Saxon books do for math. The workbooks, quizzes and tests, also make it easy for parents to not only know how their child is progressing, but to determine a final grade for each course.

If you aren't sure which level is right for your child to start off with, Christian Light offers FREE  Diagnostic tests, for Language Arts and Math, that allow you to determine which curriculum will best fit your child.

The Art of Problem Solving geometry books

We were sent a sample workbook from the Math 10 Geometry course. It's hard to believe that Miss Grace is in high school, much less moving into 10th Grade! Math is here second weakest subject, so we have had to take it slow, so she possibly wont actually start Geometry until Spring semester, so I was really interested in checking out their class books!

This course is based on a math course from Alpha Omega Publications- we have used their books for 7th grade and 8th grade math, so we are very familiar with their layouts. This Christian Light edition includes ten LightUnit workbooks and five Answer Keys. A Teacher’s Guide with answers is also available.

 The material is presented in large sections, rather than daily lessons. This is great for kids that may traditionally breeze through a daily lesson, and want to tackle another. It allows them to stay on topic, and complete a larger section if they wish. Or you can break it down into multiple days! Each section ends with a self test, which is similar to a quiz.

geometry math unit sample 1

We have found that these are good for immediate retention and generally these tend to be the easier questions for Mom and Dad to check answers without an answer key (LOL). Each LightUnit workbook can, in theory, be completed in about three weeks. Some kids may go quickly through one book, but then stall on another, but I would say that estimate is pretty on target. Or if you want to figure out your own schedule, you can divide the number of pages in a LightUnit by 15, for an estimated number of pages to complete each day. 

This is what is included in the Geometry Course: 

1001 A Mathematical System, 1002 Proof, 1003 Angle Relationships and Parallels

1004 Congruent Triangles and Quadrilaterals, 1005 Similar Polygons, 1006 Circles

1007 Construction and Locus, 1008 Area and Volume, 1009 Coordinate Geometry

1010 Geometry Review

You can view the entire Scope and Sequence for any of the courses on the Art of Problem Solving website, just click into the course you are interested in, and their will be a button to open the Scope. This lets you see what all is covered, before investing in the set.  View the course scope and sequence.

geometry math unit sample 2

As you can see, the math is THE math, as we like to say- it doesn't change just because your world view might be different. But how you PRESENT it- that is the difference. As you can see from both samples, it can be as simple as using biblical names, referencing bible stories or situations, or using direct quotes. But the MATH is still the Math- you've just snuck in some bible study! We homeschoolers love it when we can cross 2 daily subjects off at one time!

Each LightUnit includes a test that should be removed from the center of the LightUnit ,before the student begins working in it. I do HIGHLY recommend getting the Teacher Guide/Solution Book, for all grades above 5th. Yes, you're an adult and passed high school (college for some of you), BUT how long ago was that? Do you use Algebra Ii calculations on a daily basis? Probably not! 

This solution handbook shows how each math problem, or a similar one, is solved and also contains other teacher's helps. Since the handbooks were developed by Alpha Omega Publications, they do not always match the revised LightUnits from Christian Light. So they developed a solution key update to be used, where the solution handbook does not match the LightUnits. This update booklet will be included with your order, and allows this teacher’s guide to take the place of  separate answer keys.

We have switched to unschooling, but still use some workbooks, and being able to purchase the books separately, or in a bundle, allows us to pinpoint Miss Graces needs, and fill in any gaps she has, or that she needs to be stronger in. This is a strong high school course, based on our review sample-it's just a different approach than traditional schooling, but one that most homeschoolers would prefer!

christian light books

Christian Light education offers traditional courses including Kindergarten, learning to read, Bible study, Reading and Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and electives for high schoolers.  older grades will have Literature versus Reading, and their Language Arts will be writing, not Grammar. You can search their options by Grade Level or Subject (as we know homeschoolers tend to get ahead of grade level in some courses). High School Electives textbooks include Auto Mechanics Carpentry, Ethics, Computer Science, Agriculture, Home Economics and Spanish (only language available). Miss Grace is already looking at a couple of them for Spring semester and next year!

christian light catalog

Head on over to their website and request a Curriculum catalog today! You'll see just how EASY it is to provide a worldview education at home!
