Book Review: A Cornish Seaside Murder by Fiona Leitch

  Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge,from Harper Collins UK,  via #netgalley for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. All opinions are my own. 

A Cornish Seaside Murder  cover


Former Met police officer Jodie ‘Nosey’ Parker is working a trial period as an auxiliary Detective Sergeant with the Penstowan police force. But living and working alongside DCI Nathan Withers – while still trying to grow her catering company – brings its own challenges, especially when Jodie’s attention is quickly taken up by the suspicious drowning of a local fisherman.

While tourists and locals alike are falling under the spell of the annual mermaid festival with its captivating legends of Sirens luring fishermen to their deaths, Jodie and Nathan fear they may have found themselves in the middle of a very real – and very dangerous – turf war. As the casualties start to stack up, they must face the likelihood that something sinister has been going on under their noses for some time…


Book 6 in the series, Jodie is now semi official when the local police department (since she's been pretty much solving their last 5 murders LOL), and the bonus is working alongside her boyfriend. but is it really? She's feeling the stress at home, as she promised her daughter she would NOT go back to policework when they moved to Cronwall. As she struggles with mom guilt/GF guilt/work guilt and business (catering) guilt, she soon realizes that she is holding some of the missing pieces for the current murder, once again. Book 6 gives us interesting insights into a working mom, struggling with family, in a cozy british police procedural. You'll love this one, and it will make you want to go back and read the previous books in the series too!

About the Author:

Fiona Leitch is an author, tea drinker, and cat slave. She writes the Jodie 'Nosey' Parker cosy crime series for HarperCollins, because she loves thinking about Cornwall, food, and murdering people (not necessarily in that order). She is a sucker for a happy ending (though not for the victim, obviously), a romantic subplot, and the odd cheesy pun.
