Recipe Weekend: The Retirement Planning Roadmap by Lora Matuska

 Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge, from the author,  for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. All opinions are my own.

A Simple 7-Step Guide to Navigating Your Retirement Goals with Confidence, Strengthening Financial Security and Ensuring Peace of Mind in Your Golden Years

The retirement planning roadmap cover


After years – or even decades – of relentlessly working, you’re almost ready to trade in your work chair for a beach chair.

You imagine yourself trotting along a picturesque town with your friends… instead of running around the office.

Right now, it's really tempting to think about retirement as a never-ending holiday, where you’re finally allowed to rest and relax without having to deal with deadlines, a full email inbox, or stressful colleagues.

But here’s a reality check: If you took a look at your bank account right now, would you have enough to have that dreamy permanent vacation… or maybe a bad dream?

The truth is, nearly half of adults approaching retirement age may not be financially prepared to retire, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The good news is, you don’t have to be one of them. Whether you're just beginning to plan for retirement or are closer to embarking on this new chapter of your life, you can act now to turn your retirement dreams into a reality.

You don’t even have to deal with books filled with complex financial terms that seem impossible to understand. You can unlock the secrets to an exciting, purpose-filled, and worry-free retirement… and this book is all you need.

Filled with practical and helpful techniques in a fun and enjoyable package, this guide will help you develop retirement confidence even before you reach that stage.

Inside, you will discover:

7 steps to develop a successful retirement blueprint – find out how you can confidently navigate this unchartered territory

Common mistakes that retirees make… and how to avoid them at all costs

How to determine your “magic number” – get to know how much you really need to survive and thrive when you retire

25+ simple and practical ways to save up (spend less now so you can have more in the future)

9 retirement plans to choose from… so you can make your money work for you when you’re ready to retire

Research-backed strategies to earn money after you’ve stopped working – crack the code to successful investing and generating income while having fun

A no-nonsense guide to choosing the ideal home for you when you retire – understand the pros and cons of each option so you can make smarter decisions

Why retirement is not the end but the beginning of a new chapter – how to make retirement fulfilling by yourself and with the help of others

And much more.

The thought of retirement may usher in a rollercoaster of emotions – from the excitement that the promise of freedom brings to the anxiety of having enough funds to survive… and everything in between.

But you don’t have to let retirement catch you off guard – the tools and knowledge from this book can help make the difference so you can reap the fruits of your hard labor in the years to come.

With the help of this guide, you’ll experience a stress-free and joyful retirement. After all, you truly deserve it.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – start planning for your retirement now so you can take charge of your tomorrow: Scroll up and click “Add to Cart” right now.


This book is really made for those probably in their thirties to start them thinking on retirement planning and saving, well, there's time to start it at the beginning. Once you're in your forties. You definitely need this book as it lets you figure out what you're going to need for retirement and then how to appropriately start planning for it. If you're already near retirement, then the book is helpful to reassess what you need, what you already have, and the other things you might need to do. By using the different steps, it really is a proper assessment for what you will need when you finally decide to retire. 

Many things may not be thought of, especially for downsizing and reducing cost. One doesn't think about retiring and then needing extra pocket money. For example. The author gives you perfect examples of ways to earn money on the side that just gives enough extra without providing a healthy W-2 that makes it taxable and cost you more than what it's worth. She also offers many things to think about for downsizing her sustaining in your home. Also, additional discounts and things that you may not be thinking about that could save you a lot of money. 

Then there's the final chapter on actual retirement and the different stages that that imposes- where you actually want to be doing things like traveling and being on the go, then slowing down and then when you may need In-Home care. Overall, it's a very realistic book that can be gone through in an afternoon and the steps are easy to do in different times to get you where you want to be for retirement. A good little pocketbook to have on hand to start your planning today! 

About the Author;

Lora Matuska, is the Owner and Author of Sweet Home Publishing has a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from Columbia College Chicago and Master’s in Business from Loyola University Chicago. She has a blended family with 2 children of her own and four from her husband John. They also have two adorable black lab puppies Abby and Ace. While planning their own retirement, they did not find a good resource for their own retirement goals and thus “The Retirement Planning Roadmap” was born. Lora enjoys learning, traveling and spending time with friends and family. Her biggest goal is to live in France one day.

Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author’s Website or follow in her Facebook Fan Page

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