Book Review: The Crystal Collector: How to build a lifelong collection of precious stones by Jillian Aurelia Green

    Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge, from INGRAM PUBLISHING, via Edelweissplus, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. All opinions are my own.

the crystal collector cover

This is the first crystal book that combines the sought-after metaphysics of the crystal world with the practicality of how to select, source, care for, and curate the reader’s growing crystal collection.

Crystal collecting – and caring for those collections – continues to be a core practice of the mind, body, spirit space. In this unique book, author Jillian Aurelia Green guides readers down the path to creating a crystal collection that speaks to the soul. With mindful practice at its centre, The Crystal Collector explores every facet of the crystal collecting world, while providing inspiring and creative ways to enjoy crystals.

Organized into three main sections, Part One offers a behind the scenes look at how crystals are mined, how to differentiate between counterfeit and natural stones, the best avenues for adding to one’s collection, and how to source crystals ethically and sustainably.

Part Two, the heart of the book, offers beginners and enthusiasts alike an easy reference to potential crystal collections, whether one is more interested in the scientific mineral type, geologically-curious crystalline features, or by intentional properties.

Part Three spotlights how to care for different types of crystals, and how to organize, curate, and utilize the stones and minerals in one’s collection, whether it’s the very first or the 100th addition.

Beautiful photographs, along with tips, provide inspiration on how to organize and display crystal collections, while crystal grids offer ways to showcase one’s crystals with purposeful intention. This is the definitive guide to creating an ethically sound and mindfully focused crystal collection that will stay with the reader for life, with something new to discover on every reading. An essential reference book as well as a source for finding new ways to experiment with showcasing a crystal collection, The Crystal Collector is a must-have book.

the crystal collector sample 1Review:

This book is an excellent resource book for beginners, looking at curating a crystal collection for both their healing powers and for their beauty. The book does a great job in breaking down how crystals are formed, what to look for and of note, how to tell a fake from a real crystal. From their it breaks the most common crystals down into groups for collecting and use by their healing function. This is really helpful if you feel drawn to certain crystals, but no idea why. The last section then helps on layout/use for healing, or just how to display your crystals together. Overall it's a great book, and fun for kids to use to go through their collections, to see what they actually have.

the crystal collector sample 2
About the Author:

Jillian Aurelia Green is a certified crystal and reiki healer, teacher, and co-founder of Sage Crystals, an online and brick-and-mortar store providing ethically-sourced crystals since 2018. After the sudden onset of an illness which left her bedridden for almost a year, Jillian refocused on spiritual healing. Since then, she has created weekly educational live crystal programs which focus on reconnecting to the emotional body, the human collective, and to the earth itself. Find her on Instagram @sagecrystals.
