Book Review: An Irish Bookshop Murder by Lucy Connelly

  Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this ebook, free of charge, from Bookoutre, via #netgalley, for review purposes on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it. All opinions are my own. 

We're taking a stay-cation today and heading for Ireland!

Meet Ireland’s newest daring detective: she’s a bookstore owner, a coffee lover, and a crime writer. Now Mercy McCarthy needs a little Irish luck as she takes on her first case!

An Irish Bookshop Murder cover


After receiving unexpected inheritance from her grandfather, Mercy and her twin sister Lizzie are now the proud owners of a charming antique bookshop in the tiny Irish village of Shamrock Cove. 

But before they can take in the beautiful view of the sea, one of their neighbors drops dead!

Mercy finds the Judge, a well-respected man who lives next door, dying on his own doorstep. She rushes to help, but with his final words, he accuses Mercy of murder! Most of their new neighbors hear his words and, with suspicion pointing at Mercy, she decides to investigate the case to clear her name.

Searching amongst the Judge’s old books, Mercy uncovers letters proving several of the townsfolk had reason to dislike the judge—but was it the local pub landlord, the kindly cook or neighborly knitter who killed him?

Then Mercy’s chief suspect turns up dead and she receives a threatening note, typed on paper from her own bookstore… Ireland was supposed to be a fresh start for Mercy and Lizzie, but dead bodies keep turning up.

Does Mercy have what it takes to nail the culprit or will the killer close the book on her time in this charming Irish village?


What would you do if a sudden inheritance landed on your door, right when your sister's life had fallen to pieces, and she begged you to take the chance and see what it could offer? For Mercy, who can write her detective books anywhere, the decision is easy- pick up her NY life and go to Ireland with her sister. Maybe they'll get a nice vacation out of it, her sister will get better and they can come back home after dealing with the inheritance. Well, that was the idea....but instead they both fall in love with the bookshop he has left them, as well as his house on a private court of homes, with a supportive tight knit community. Or are they? Suddenly they seem to be dropped into one of Mercy's mysteries and the more they try to figure out what happen, the more they seem to be implicated in the murder. It will take both sisters working together to help the handsome detective get to the bottom of what is happening on the court! A fun, quick read, this looks like another winning series from Lucy!

About the Author:

Lucy Connelly travels around the world, usually with her bossy dog in tow. Her favorite pastime is sipping tea in a quaint cafe as she turns each passerby into a murder victim, witness, or suspect. If she stares at you strangely, don't worry. She only murdered you in her book. 
She has a master's degree in humanities and enjoys learning all the things. She is the author of the Scotland based Scottish Isle mysteries as well. For updates, check out her website,
