CSN Comes Through Again!

A couple of weeks ago I told you about becoming a Preferred Blogger for CSN Stores and that I was being sent a super item for review!

And then I hinted at what the item was on my first Swing Set building day Post.  I even offered a couple of bonus entries if anyone guessed right, but NO ONE DID! Close, but not quite!

I was pleasantly surprised to find that CSN Stores carried Little Tikes and Step 2 products! As most of you know, these toys last for YEARS and can put up with ALOT of abuse! Darling Daughter, aka the Spoiled One (ha ha), has been hinting (loudly) that she wanted a water or sand table for her "playground". I was able to find just the right thing on CSN and happily sent along my request.

Merrily FOUR business days later we came outside to a wonderful surprise form the UPS man (I swear I think my daughter is beginning to think of him as Santa's head elf, as he always bring us wonderful things!): Little Tikes Sand and Water Fun Factory

sand and water table box

As we were enroute to check out the pool and see if it was warm enough, I went ahead and dragged it out to the pool area and immediately went about setting it up!

sand and water table

It only took about 10 minutes (everything you see above is included in the box) and daughter was in love with it only 5 minutes later! As we didn't have any play sand, it became strictly a water table! (and there's the umbrella I mentioned!)

water play table

At the end of the day I drained it and we picked up some play sand for the next 'building day'. We also had to pick up a BIG truck, cause where's there's sand, there must be a truck. Yes, we live in the South, go ahead and laugh about having a monster truck for the sandbox!!

sand and water construction site table
The next morning I filled half with water and half with sand. Daughter was in and out of the pool and playing with her table, while swing set construction began again. Within 15 minutes it was no longer a sand and water table, but a 'sandy mud' construction site! Um, THANKS Bob the Builder for teaching her those words! HA HA. She was having a blast and had to show everyone her table! The wheels on the upper portion work great for water and fine sand, not so much for sandy mud! The ramp leading up to the table was much used by the bulldozer and truck!

Once again, CSN was the store that brought happiness to us! I love their quick delivery and ease of ordering. CSN will always be on the top of my list when I go looking online for items! Don't forget to check them out yourself!

Disclosure: This table was sent to me by CSN Stores for review purposes, free of charge. No other compensation was given for this review. I was not told how to review the item however.