How PINK Are You? BONUS Entry Time!

Pretty in Pink 2011

Know all these book reviews and giveaways we've been having? Well I still have a pile of books to get thru, BUT we're only a couple of days away from March, and the beginning of the Pretty in Pink Blog Bonanza, in honor of kiddo's 4th birthday this month, with lots of product reviews AND giveaways!

baby pix

Oh WHERE has the time gone??????

valentine pix

So for all my faithful readers- tell me one of YOUR favorite PINK moments below, and you'll get FOUR bonus entries for  
EVERY  Pretty in Pink giveaway the month of March!

Put the Pretty in Pink button on your blog or Facebook page 
and you'll get Another
FOUR entries for every giveaway as well!


  1. One of my favorite PINK moments is when my daughters dressed up in their princess dresses and made daddy the prince and he danced with them at the ball. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  2. One summer, many years ago, when I was young my mother bought my sister and me the same lovely pink dresses. They were precious, unique and I know I wore the dress every time I could for that summer. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. Well my favorite pink moments are that my six year old will wear NOTHING but pink, from top to bottom inside and out (makes her easy to buy for). She loves pink that one! One good thing is that she is TINY, she is six but wears at best a size five and still wears a couple size three and mostly size four cloths - there is alot of pink in that range - not as much in six year old clothing. She is cute as a button that girl and she knows it!

  4. One of my favorite moments is when my Nana gifted me with a beautiful pink woven sewing box when I was 9! Still have that treasure to this very day!

  5. @Jingle

    Hey gang- I had to edit the button- please check your link and make sure it is working- you may need to reload. SO SORRY!

  6. @Amy W.


    Hey gang- I had to edit the button- please check your link and make sure it is working- you may need to reload. SO SORRY!

  7. @traveler@Jingle

    Hey gang- I had to edit the button- please check your link and make sure it is working- you may need to reload. SO SORRY!

  8. @mom2girls@Jingle

    Hey gang- I had to edit the button- please check your link and make sure it is working- you may need to reload. SO SORRY!

  9. @Janelle@Jingle

    Hey gang- I had to edit the button- please check your link and make sure it is working- you may need to reload. SO SORRY!

  10. When I was little I had a sweet pink tutu that I wore for one dance recital and I loved it so much I bet it's still hanging in my mother's closet. Too bad I never had a little girl to hand it down to.
    jhbalvin at gmail dot com

  11. My favorite pink moment was when I found out I was having a girl was going into the store and buying her the first pink dress to wear home from the hospital. I was so excited knowing i was having a girl and i already had my son. :)
    bdavisnc at gmail dot com

  12. when my daughter was younger,she was offended by the term pig tails. So, whenever she wanted her hair styled that way she would ask for pink tails. When I asked why she changed the name she said, pigs are not for girls, pink is. shaun

  13. @Anonymous

    we have to call them pony tails- even when they were 1/2 inch, she wanted LONG hair like pony tails...SIGH...headstrong girls we have!

  14. I ended up having 3 sons but still have an adorable care bears pink outfit for a 6 month old...never worn...almost 30 years old...maybe I'll have a granddaughter some day!

  15. One of my favorite PINK moments was when my entire family went to disneyland and met the princesses! It was like a dream
    girl23rocks at hotmail dot com

  16. One of my favorite pink moments was when I seen my little angel for the first time. She was in all pink. Best day of my life!

  17. My favorite pink moment was being able to dress my daughter as preciously as I wanted when she was little.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  18. My favorite pink moment was when my daughter gave herself a pink pedicure! She painted her whole foot pink with nail polish :)

  19. My favorite pink memory is giving my mom a pink breast cancer bear for over-coming breast cancer.

  20. My favorite pink moment was when my daughter dressed up as a pink bunny when she was really young for Halloween one year.

  21. My favorite pink moment was when my granddaughter got a pink rabbit for Easter and carried it with her for about 3 years!!!

  22. My favorite pink moment was finding out I was pregnant and seeing the pink lines show up positive!

  23. My best friend's daughter loves to dress up in her pink princess dress whenever i come over!

  24. My favorite Pink memory, is when I was having my difficult pregnancy with my now 3 year old daughter, and I was really hoping for a girl as my 2nd and last child. When I found out she was a girl I had my husband paint her room the brightest Pink I could find! She loves pink now.


  25. My favorite Pink moment doing the breast cancer walk!

  26. That baby picture is so cute! My favorite pink memory is my daughter at 3 in her ballerina outfit on recital night.

  27. My favorite pink moment was when the nursery nurse slipped that little pink hat over my brand new granddaughters head to keep her warm. All I could see was the blanket, those "sweet cheeks", those beautiful pink lips and that little knit pink cap. I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life. Don't get me wrong. My daughter was gorgeous and nothing will ever take away from that! There is just something different and special about a grandbaby.


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