Updated Product Review: Topricin Regular and Foot Cream Pain Relief Creams

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We've reviewed Topricin before, but they recently changed their patent, so that the creams can target neuropathy, so we were thrilled to be able to check out the new formulas!

topricin creams

Topricin has 3 formulas: Regular, Foot Cream and Junior (for kids), which we recently reviewed (as part of their Boo Boos Happen Kit). 

Topricin has been around for almost 20 years! It is formulated to relieve pain in a high quality homepathic cream. It is non-analgesic and non-chemical, so you know it is safe. It relieves pain by stimulating healing response from the body itself, thus reducing the pain. It helps balance the body's healing chemistry, and drain toxins from the affected area, , restoring normal blood flow, and takign the pain away! It can now target neuropathy like carpel tunnel syndrome, back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia. 

A huge plus with Topricin is that it does NOT interfere with any prescribed medicines you are on! So it is literally safe for everyone, including pregnant women! Did you know that most over the ocunter pain relief creams can actually CAUSE you to have side effects, like liver damage (acetaminophen), kidney damage (ibuprofren), damage stomach lining (naproxen), cause cancer (petroleum/parabens), or skin burns (menthol can cause reactions in kids). 

Go look at the pain reliever cream you normally use. Go ahead, we'll wait!

See all those chemicals? Now for the harsh truth- most of them SHUT DOWN the body's healing process! Sounds counter productive, doesn't it? You have to wonder if the wonders of modern medicine are supposed to HELP us, why are they working AGAINST our natural healing process?

Which is why we try to use homeopathic remedies whenever possible!

Dad recently had hand surgery for 'trigger finger'. This was the third time he's had to have it, and as it is nerve related, we were interested in using Topricin post surgery to see how well it worked. Even his doctor was impressed with the healing and lack of infection in his hand. This picture is 2 days after the stitches were removed, 2 weeks post-surgery. 
dads healing hand

If you've ever had stitches, you know the body has to go through a second healing process when they are removed. But as you can see, it is almost healed, the bad layer of skin is peeling away, and the bottom layer is good as new! Dad said he's had less pain in recovery, and he has recovered movement quicker than the previous surgeries. Yeah team, we have a winner!

We have also found that it works really well in removing the toxins from mosquito bites (this has been just about the worst year yet for the little suckers) from the area, and reducing the itching! I have also found that using it for minor back pain works a whole lt quicker, than creams aimed strictly at back pain.

Dad has also been using the Footcream, which is good for heel spurs, gout, sprains and ongoing never pain. He has had foot pain for a long time, but is finally seeing it being relieved by using the Topricin. he is 100% sold on both products, and they will be staying in his medicine cabinet as well!

I've been having leg pain while walking (recurrent tendon issues), so I'm going to start using an alternating use of both creams, to see if they can help, without having to go straight to the doctor's office. I will update you on how well it works for me!

This is one product our whole family stands by, and uses on a daily basis. We highly recommend it for you and your family! 

You can buy Topricin on their website, and also check the site for a local store to buy it at!

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this product for review  purposes on this blog, free of charge, from XMR3 PR. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about it.


  1. We have tried Topricin a couple of times for my son's arthritis. His rheumatologist had never heard of it, so we discontinued the use while she takes some time to learn about it. I'm diabetic and experiencing a bit of neuropathy. I'm very interested in trying it on myself to see how it works!

    1. for arthritis you have to use it daily for about a week before you realize its working. Same for the neuropathy.

      it is totally safe and most doctors are NOT aware of homeopathic medicines and tend to shun them when patients bring them to them, blame the pharmacy reps and their goodies...we've had more luck with homeopathic remedies in the last 2 years than prescription meds...


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