Discount Code- 90 day Challenge

Will you be joining us for our 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge?

If so, I am happy to announce not one, but TWO discount codes for you, if you wish to purchase any of the Creative Science products that I'll be using is an online retailer who is offering Creative Bioscience products at 12-60% off retail ! Automatically!

AND Creative Biosciene is sweetening the pot by adding another discount code on top of that, to save an additional 15%! How cool is that?

AND right now they have free shipping on any order. 

Just use this discount code on checkout for your extra 15% off: :BTHM

Please note that Lifefitstore does NOT offer the Creative Bioscience hCG products online through them, you would have to go to a different retailer of the Creative Bioscience web store for them.

Disclosure / Disclaimer:  I received this info, free of charge,from Creative Bioscience, as part of their 90 day Blogger Challenge Program, and for blog posting purposes, on this blog. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told what to say about the products. As with any medical or health related product, consult your doctor before using, and remember what works for me might not work on you, as we are all human, aka different body chemistries!
